it won't but that doesn't stop the neoCONS from promoting the idea on behalf of their Big Oil cronies and using ';liberal'; resistance to the exploitation of that pristine wilderness as a cudgel against Democrats.
it continues to amaze me how some people are still buying into neoCON propaganda and still pushing for more fossil fuel usage considering how much damage the use of fossil fuels is doing to their children's planet.Why do you think the price of oil will decrease if we use more Alaskan oil?
Bah, learn how markets work, then get back to me. Report Abuse
Why do you think the price of oil will decrease if we use more Alaskan oil?
Supply and demand, once more oil is produced, the price will decrease.
One more point...
';The United States has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2,500 gigabarrels of potentially recoverable oil, enough to meet U.S. demand for oil at current rates for 110 years.';
Technology, already used by Shell, has the answer.
It won't. The oil market pricing is controlled (not influenced... CONTROLLED) by OPEC. We can drill in Alaska but that oil will be competing with oil all over the world.... Now, we can divorce ourselves from OPEC nations and absolutely refuse to buy oil from OPEC nations but that will limit our potential supply of oil. That takes us back to square one, we would still have high gasoline prices because supply/demand economics would step in. We would actually have higher gas prices if we no longer did business with OPEC nations.
This talk of Alaska drilling won't make a difference for American consumers. It will mean American oil corporations will make more money and in turn MAYBE put them in a more competitive position with OPEC. This could possibly ease oil prices but I seriously doubt it... the Alaska reserves would be a drop in the bucket to the entire OPEC cartel's deposits.
An increase of supply always lowers the price of the product. It's economics 101. The problem is that drilling ANWR was introduced 10 years ago and denied by Clinton. Imagine if 10 years of oil supply was on the market today...well the days of $.79 a gallon gas would be real.
Supply and demand. Simple economics. If there is more oil in circulation, it will be worth less...
read a book!
The exact same reason that the dollar is worth so little. We keep printing it... The more there is, the less each bill is worth. This is basic high school economics people!
well, according to the commercials currently running, 2/3 of our oil and natural gas comes from the US, so maybe we should stop blaming the arabs and start blaming the US oil companies in which most of the politicians in this ocuntry hold stock.
It wont anytime soon . Its just the point that we do not need to buy oil from anybody. We could be totally oil self sufficient. Not just Alaska we have oil everywhere. A gallon of gas in Saudi is .30 a gallon. We could do that too.
More supply. But in truth that would only have a minimal effect. We need to build more refineries in this country and update the ones we have, as well as build alternative energy plants, such as clean burning coal plants and nuclear plants.
So we don't have to inport from the Middle East and compete with the rest of the world, then we might be able to afford to develop alternative fuels instead of driving the nation into poverty where the trees have more green that us
There are many, MANY other places, both on shore and off, in the U.S. to obtain oil. And there is plenty for us to use in order to decrease our DEPENDENCE on foreign oil, WHILE we develop alternatives.
its not just Alaska its also offshore and in the Dakota's and Montana,and it would drastically reduce the cost of oil !!!!
Yes it would, but first we would have to be allowed to drill some more up there and unfortunately, the Democrats put a stop to that, so now we pay the price.
It won't. It's a short sighted ploy by cons and big oil (same thing) to get to that oil. Long term, we have to get away from fossil fuel and go with wind, solar, and hydro power.
No, you can't refine enough of it anyway. Besides, the oil companies are getting way rich, why change it?
Not enough to significantly affect current prices and to cover the cost of no longer protecting American natural resources.
It won't and besides, 10 years from now, we had better be exploiting alternative energy sources to a higher degree or woe be it to us all...
Of course not. Why should it? It's just a drop in the bucket and it's costly to produce.
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