Saturday, August 21, 2010

If U.S. didn't invade Iraq, will the Oil price higher or less than today?

Less. Ever since WWII, you can always guage Middle East tensions by Oil Prices. When the price per barrel drops too much, they have a War. That cuts off part of the supply temporarily. And, more importantly, it makes commodity Markets nervous. Things tend to calm down when prices stabilize at desired levels.

This is the problem with having an Oil Sheik for a President. The Bush Family's oil holdings are so extensive that they're practically an OPEC country by themselves.

The Iraq Invasion made no sense strategically. That's why Bush kept changing his story as each new claim was investigated and debunked. But, for an oil man, it made perfect sense. That's why invading Iraq suddenly was so much more important than finishing off the Taliban and running down Osama bin Laden. That's why he's rattling sabers we don't have available at Iran.

It's something to think about before you vote Republican. They never put America's interests ahead of their own.

Oh, and while I'm posting, could a few people from Current Events answer and star this question? The folks at Jokes and Riddles can't seem to get the concept of fake news stories.;鈥?/a>If U.S. didn't invade Iraq, will the Oil price higher or less than today?
thats a damn good question.

im thinking less.

they say by summer the gas will be $4 dollars a gallon,thats just crazy.

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