Star paper today (sept 18), petronas oil price raise.
why do they need to raise the oil price?
since petronas oil is dig from malaysia and not imported from foreign why do they need to raise it?Oil price hike in malaysia.?
the governm. has promise not to increased the oil price..
FYI.. 90% of our oil been exported not for domestic use.
most of your petrol domestic use were from Middle East oil.. due to its cheaper..
its been process by several plants in malaysia such as in Shell Port Dickson, Esso PD %26amp; Petronas Penapisan Melaka..Oil price hike in malaysia.?
EXPECTED!!! dont know when only :(
what la ... bising-bising also what to do ... if the government said so ... so naik la ... lagi nak bising ... naik bas la kalau takde duit ...
Agree with you. Doesn't sound logical to me too. I wonder what will happen when Malaysia becomes a net importer of oil in a few years' time.
Really? after the 30cts hike, this is the furthest government can wait huh?
I thought the oil price has gone down world wide and seems to be stabilized.
The oil's price is not determined by Petronas but the cartel. Hence the cheaper our oil going to cost, the more government have to subsided the different. I think now 80% of our oil is for domestic use and hardly export. You can imagine how much we are losing out for the money we could earned from export and secondly, by 2011 we got no more oil buddy! Think and see how much Malaysian got to pay for petrol ...
Because of the high production cost. unless the oil spurt out and Petronas only prepare the tank to fill out then it might be cheaper, i guess
yes..silly isn't it...we have to pay high prise for oil from our own country
It is another conspiracy!
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