Liberal environmentalists not allowing us to drill our own oil. Any time we find oil in our own country the liberals immediately go to work to make sure we can't drill it.Why do liberals blame Bush for the oil prices when the high oil prices are the liberals fault?
Good question! The news today says gas prices have gone up in every country. President Bush's evil plan must include the world's gas prices. I thought Iran hated us but they are willing to sell large amounts of oil to India just to help raise the gas prices. The news is either wrong or the liberals are once again blaming the wrong person.Why do liberals blame Bush for the oil prices when the high oil prices are the liberals fault?
if you talk about invading one of the largest oil producing countries... that invasion will most likely disrupt the oil suppy, therefore creating a lack of supply... so even talk of an invastion will (and did) drive up oil prices... is it that difficult to understand? Report Abuse
How did invading Iraq disrupt the oil supply? I thought the evil Bush invaded Iraq for oil. If he invaded for oil wouldn't we be getting more oil. I don't understand why the evil Bush doesn't just steal the oil from Iraq, then the oil supply wouldn't be disrupted. Report Abuse
... I was talking about Iran and the recent ';talk'; about invading... Iran has much more oil.... in case you haven't been paying attention, both Iraq did and Iran would sabotage the oil fields making them useless for a year or so, halting the supply Report Abuse
We ';invaded Iran'; once already - Desert Storm - %26amp; we didn't take their oil or disrupt the oil. They tried blowing up the oil fields. If we wanted the oil, a nuke would clean the area %26amp; still save the oil. Are you riding a bike everywhere you go? Oil is a necessary evil, much like liberals. Report Abuse
Why do idiot repuglican try to put the blame on democrats for protecting the environment, I would like to drill for oil in your back yard and see how you would like it oh by the way we need a new landfill and I will put that in your back yard also.
that is so funny snot almost shot out of my nose.
Drilling a puny reserve like Alaska is not going to have long term effects on price, mon frer... It may produce a little more oil in the short run, but it will run out too. Liberals push for alternative fuels, and more mileage from the fuels we have. If we had drilled Alaska when they were first talking about it, it would be getting pretty low or gone by now anyway. How much oil did they say was there? How much oil do we use per day?
And I somehow doubt that it was Liberals that gave the SUV tax break to corporations!!! I mean, really now. Tax break for hybrids, I can see. Tax break for buying SUV's???
What the Liberals are mad about is not the price of oil, it is the record profits that oil companies are taking home while we are being charged this much for oil. If it were only supply and demand, like you infer in your question, that would be a different thing entirely.
Let me put it this way:
I buy apples for $1 apiece, and then sell you the apples for $2 apiece. That part is fine with everyone. I have a $1 profit level per apple, and my margin is 100% markup.
Now let us say that my cost on apples suddenly goes up to $1.50 per, which is a 50% hike in the price I pay, so I hike the price you pay also by 50%, to $3 apiece. Sounds fair, doesn't it? However, my profit level just went from $1 per apple to $1.50 per apple! I am making record profits! It is at this point that you liberalize and realize that I should be charging you $2.50 and not $3.00 in order to maintain my $1 per apple profit ';level'; which was originally agreeable, even though I would be losing profit ';margin';. You still need the apples, so you will still buy them from me.
I offer the suggestion that if I were allowed to pick the apples out of your yard, it may reduce my cost on apples. Sounds pretty good, except that these are special apples which will not grow back for another million years, so once you eat all these apples, the price will go right back up to where it was, had I even lowered it in the first place. You see, with these apples you pay the ';replacement cost'; and not anything based on the cost I paid for them. This means that if I take all those other apples, and have them at my apple polishing plant, the cost of me buying new apples is the same as it was before I ever walked into your yard. Everything is the same, except now you have a mangled up stump because it is easier to pick apples if the tree is cut down..
Perhaps at this point you would argue that my family is good friends with the largest applegrowers in the world, and I should be able to get a break and pass it along to you... but me and my applegrowing buddies are making more money than ever, and I'm not even up for reelection. I would listen to you because...?
And that's where we are now. Just make the profit on oil a flat amount above cost, instead of a percentage above cost, and everything will be fixed. Talk to your Republican friends and make it happen. We Liberals will shut the hell up at that point. And drilling will only make a short term profit for the oil companies, and not a long term supply or lower costs for consumers.
Liberals blame conservatives for everything, and vice versa. That's just the way it is. And yes, conservatives are trying to do something about the oil prices.
Answer, the liberal mind is not capable of common sense or reason. Instead the liberal mind is based on emotion and knee jerk reactions which causes the liberal to point at anything that they percieve to be at fault. The liberal could never blame itself as they have a ';I am a victim'; mentality and a victim can never be blamed for anything.
Yea, we succeeded in overthrowing King George W! Go Liberals!
Actually... the conservatives have had control of the both the congress since the 2nd term of the Clinton administration. So all that has been said and done is all the fault of the conservatives... and since the oil has been a recent problem i think the people who have been in charge the most recent (the conservatives) get all the blame for this oil crisis of which you speak of.
Please do a little research before you ask a question in which you imply someone is responsible for something. I bet your just a kid who only knows what his perants tell him about politics.
Well.. there goes my shot for best answer.
ANWAR reserves will not make a dent on oil supplies.
Who stopped the oil coming from Iraq by invading it?
Who has been unable to get Iraq up to full production again?
And who is making the world market even more nervous by choosing to confront Iran with demands instead of using diplomacy?
On top of all this, is the possibility that certain oil-state republicans would love to use any fluctuation in the oil prices as an excuse to push through a plan to drill in ANWAR. And don't think that the oil companies are helpless to control rising oil prices. Just last week they announced gigantic profits for all the time last year when they were whining about damage from Katrina, all the time taking huge profits.
You can move to a more polluted area like where they buried all the nuclear waste and also it would be 10 years by the time a pipeline was ran from Alaska anyway. Hell by then we can have solar instead of fossil fuels plus save on the environment unless you want no wildlife and your future children to live in pollution
hahaha... why is it that Conservatives blame everything on liberals even though they have control of congress and the presidency... are people actually stupid enough to think that the Republicans couldn't do something about it if they wanted too?
I mean how many things have the Repubs already pushed through that the dems didn't want... two Supreme court justices come to mind... but oil... we can't do anything about that... hahahaha
Oh and could you pleace cite the source for just how much it would affect the oil market... you won't cite it, because it would barely make a difference... how about basing YOUR ideas on some FACTS?
Why do liberals blame Bush; the answer is simple politics. It is obvious that for some time now the Democrats (liberals) have no agenda other then blame Bush. They offer no solutions, no plan, no agenda, for if they did the people would realise they have no answers. Thus - they have to do the one thing that resonates with the public right now which is blame a President who has the record lowest approval rating of all time. Remember that nearly 90% of all reporters are registered democrats too; and so they enjoy the support of the press. The media is not asking them what their agenda is; they merely give them 30 second sound bites on ';blaming Bush.';
If you we're to see a democratic agenda it would probably include;
1) More taxes particularly on what they define as wealthy (which is the employed).
2) More regulations particularly on big companies that will reduce their efforts to seek more oil, increase supply and help to reduce demand.
3) And my favorite - a government installed price cap; which failed in the 70's but hey - their memory isn't that long.
You know, it is easy to believe whatever your father ot teacher tells you. Perhaps you should do a little more research into it.
Lots of things are driving oil prices up, and when we can buy it on the global market relatively cheaply there is no need to disrupt the local environment. It isn't bush that is doing it but his war.
Because liberals would rather piss and moan and point fingers than come up with viable solutions to problems.
lmao. thats a good one. did you know the US drills enough oil to sustain ourselves? you dont find it a bit odd that bush is good friends with all the oil barons in the middle east? or that haliburton got the multi billion dollar deal to rebuild iraq when cheney was the president of that corporation before he became vice president? hmmm. sounds a little fishy to me...
Although it is debated (because not many people know the real answer) currently crude oil supply is ample. However, the supply of gasoline from refineries is low. (so they say)
It's not a drilling issue, its a refinery issue, if you believe in supply and demand with the oil industry.
Because spine-less sheep have nothing else to do but point fingers.
Next question...
no your wrong .it his fault the big oil company really put him in office .now he can't make any move with out letting them have a suck like know it this hole country know it .he has made mistake after mistake.the biggest idiot i have ever seen.
Most our oil comes from US and Can. Some of us blame Junior because he has all this oil experience and all these oil buddies and all he can come up with is lowering environmental standards or that the republican supported multinational corporations outsourcing jobs to other countries which causes their economies to grow faster then normal and more oil is needed so we pay ten years from now prices all for corporate profits.
excellent point my friend...
Because that's what liberals do best. However, they are not to blame for high oil prices. Oil prices are driven by forces beyond the control of politicians, whether they be conservatives or liberals. Some examples of these forces include: 1. Supply and demand 2. Storms that interfere with production / refining 3. Geopolitical events, i. e. that goon in Iran who keeps saying he's gonna inhilate Israel...etc. Not much any of us can do about it other than drive less and try to find other ways to conserve.
Because Bush and the Republicans could introduce and APPROVE a bill to encourage the use of alternative fuel sources. It would drop the demand for oil and in turn drop the price. Do they teach economics to Republicans or is it not required to get a degree in hate?
Read ';Rule by Secrecy'; by Jim Marrs
This administration supports the fat greedy companies who speculate the price of oil that drive up the price of oil. It has nothing to do with supply and demand. President Bush best friends are Saudi's who control your oil supply and they dont want to take money out of their friends pocket books that is absurd. We ignore the countries that are unstable and when a country is unstable oil prices go up. They are not supporting alternative fuels they may say they do, but we have the technology to use alternative fuels. We dont because that would mean the oil companies would take a huge hit to their $300 billion dollar profits. The government doesnt know if companies are price gouging why? because every time we cry about price gouging the price goes down? Funny how that works! Not to mention we support oppressive Islamic dictatorships that cause terrorism and higher oil prices.
Your being really ridiculous. The Government taxes and oil profits are at record highs. All this is, is the Republicans trickle down theory, that doesn't work. It's just called forced inflation with price and demand. Nobody is buying your rant. Americans know what the truth is. The oil companies are making record fortunes.
There is not that much oil in Anwar. The high oil prices have a lot to do with chaos in the Middle East, which has a lot to do with the Iraqi War.
Why do you think we are in Iraq. It's all about the Oil. How much longer is this going to go on? It's always the same old story,the rich get richer. Mr. Bush and his family are making tons of money day in and day out on this oil crisis. We all will just go on day by day and pay whatever the price is. We have to go to work and school.
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