As someone who has been an engineer in the business before, let me give you a quick run down on why gas prices are so high/low (people seem to complain about both)
Gas prices are low in this country because we provide a large steady market free from the over government taxation that you see in most European countries. The fact that we pay much less for gas than European countries was a pre-existing condition to the war in Iraq.
Now for all the libs complaining that the gas prices are too high. This is primarily due to the evironmental movement that also happens to be run by your side of the fence. Oil companies aren't shutting down refineries to increase revenue, they have to sometimes because they are so old they have to completely stop production to fix them. They can't build new ones because of environmental laws. So what can they do? What would you have them do?
Most energy problems start and end with liberal propaganda.Liberals: Are You Confused About How Gas And Oil Prices Work?
Well thanks for the schooling. How come they are making so much in profits these days though? I think people are annoyed that they pay so much and the companies post profits in the tens of billions. With more each consecutive year.Liberals: Are You Confused About How Gas And Oil Prices Work?
I guess I am confused.
I don't quite comprehend how when the price of a barrel of crude oil goes down....gas prices continue to rise.
I see gas prices sky rocket over the course of a few years...then I hear the gas companies report making huge profits. The biggest profits by far in thirty years.
I guess I don't know very much about how an oil company operates...but it kind of looks like price gouging from this side of the pump.
I don't disagree with any of your facts. But I don't like seeing oil companies getting record tax cuts, rebates, and exemptions the same year they receive record profits. Also, I would like there to be more money and time spent on alternative energy by the government.
But I have never heard a liberal try to argue what you have presented then as saying. I think you just made up a liberal argument so you could argue against it.
So how do unbelievably high record profits for the oil companies factor into all of this?
The simple explanation is that oil prices are controlled by supply, demand ,and the ability to purchase .Taking into account the amount of wells producing what amounts of oil .
If I am able to pump say 10 barrels a day but only pump 9 then the pricing control is of the supply side . If china produces 10 million more cars but the people only drive a couple of miles a week then demand rises slightly .If however they begin to operate cars as they do bicycles and begin producing and earning more then China's demand increases along with its ability to pay .
Americans base an entire society around its mobility .We typically drive 50 miles a day on average And suburban families double this amount but also have double the income of inner city workers who by and large clean the offices and provide the meals and services assisting the Suburbanite to be comfortable at work as well as home .I wonder when I look over the counter and the people are pressing pictures of what I order and everything is color coded with one kind of sandwich in a blue wraper another in a yellow wrapper and so on .
Are people really that under-educated .
Anyhow back to your convoluted logic that liberals and environmentalists are to blame some how.
Refineries are labor intensive structures to build and can pose a significant environmental problem with the leaching of dangerous chemicals into the ground .Its not just the gas produced but the by products refined for other industries that locate close to the supply of oil based products .
These chemical plants are expensive to build and modernize to prevent the deaths of people like in Bhopal India .We are relocating chemical and oil refining plants outside our borders using cheap labor to build them and operate and polluting outside and risking the lives of others in Foreign nations who are desperate for work of any kind.
We would allow them to build bombs but prefer to pay 10 times as much for labor here so the people entering the world of defense contracting the only growth industry in America as others shrink and leave all together is filled with white college grads who can count to ten read a gage and fill out paper work on everything they touched , looked at and packaged every working hour of the day paid for with tax dollars .
The system works fine if you like murdering people .Killing others is a big business and we need the gas and diesel and jet fuel to propel our advanced technology at others who will not increase oil production .
As Jobs providing decent homes and keeping food on the table are replaced with jobs making weapons what will be the outcome in 5 years .
Being liberal like I am it is hard for me to accept that your limited ability to connect the dots lets you blame liberals for not wanting to build an un-safe refinery in some ones back yard . Poisoning the water and killing off the life above .
Your solution is ship those plants south of the border build roads into Mexico and rail lines along with an oil/gas line at tax payer expense , to ship back the products that are dangerous to make here leaving the Mexicans with higher cancer and death rates due to pollution .
As long as you and yours are fed and housed and happy who gives a damn about others .
I was told never to be Judgmental but it is hard with people like you in the world blaming people like me for whats wrong . Enjoy rotting in hell you pampas ignorant fool .
I know Charles Dobson doesn't have a clue from his last answer, but of course, he's a mindless lib
sounds good i guess ... i just figured they charge however much they can get away with and not cause a decrease in sales from people starting to conserve ... but i reckon its the liberals ... or environmentalists ..
';Most energy problems start and end with liberal propaganda';
yeah, sure, 'engineer'.
Conservatives, doesn't it bother you that the gas you buy puts cash into the hands of people who don't like us?
I understand perfectly.
And yet, even with all those nasty liberal environmentalists insisting that gas companies don't pour too much poison into the air and water, profits are at an all time high and oil companies get nice little windfalls from the government.
And yet, we aren't funnelling this kind of money into creating vehicles with better fuel mileage, or finding alternative fuel sources.
';Most energy problems start and end with liberal propaganda'; - yep, that's logical. Liberal propaganda made oil a non-renewable resource.
Nope, I got it. The price of a barrell of oil is determined in US dollars. Since the dollar is falling, theprice of oil (and other commodities, like gold) go up. Direct reflection on the economy in the US. I can't wait to see the thumbs down...
Libs are the product of none or bad education
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