Friday, July 30, 2010

Bush looks offshore for remedy to high oil prices?

I can't wait untill this azzh*le goes away. Say goodbye to the gulf. Instead of looking for alternative energy we are going to contiue this nonsense. Am I thinking crazy here? What do you guys think?Bush looks offshore for remedy to high oil prices?
yes, you are crazy.Bush looks offshore for remedy to high oil prices?
He's been extending this ban since the day he took office. Now he wants to change his mind. Where are all the people who love to scream ';flip-flopper'; now? Where are the people who said that Bush's strength is in that he stays the course?

What they don't seem to understand is that there is a finite amount of oil on earth. Once we run out, it doesn't matter where we've been getting it from - we won't be able to drive to work, or take the bus, or take the train, or fly to go on vacation, or, in some cases, have heat in the winter... until we look for renewable energy sources.

Looks like the liberals were right in the '80s, doesn't it?
Alternative Energy?? I'm all for it. Give it to me. Oh, you don't have it yet? Oh, it costs way more then oil does now? Well maybe, just maybe, we should continue with this ';nonsense'; until they do discover alternative energy solutions that work.
Do you like paying $4/ gallon? Why is it the same people screaming bloody murder about the price of gas want to raise taxes on the oil companies AND want to prevent them from providing oil for America?

Our Oil Shale reserves alone TRIPLE that of Saudi Arabia.
I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.

Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?

Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !

Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :

China hikes fuel prices…

China to raise energy prices…

But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.

For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
This is just money and politics.

Before 2006 most of the populace did not support drilling in protected areas like the coasts and Alaska wildlife sanctuaries.

Since 2006 the oil producers in North America collectively decided that the oil drilling was somewhat expensive in existing leases and recognizing that it would be cheaper to drill in the protected areas, cut back drilling in North America. As a result drilling companies moved their inactive rigs to locations like Russia and Africa. So, reduced production rate. The media attention contributed to the artificially increased gasoline prices.

Now in 2008 show that the populace support the drilling in the protected areas.

Some people made money by,

1) increased gasoline prices

2) increased oil rig prices

3) first, shorting stocks of the oil producer companies and drilling companies, then buying the stocks after gasoline increases.

4) oil leases

etc. etc.

Great for insiders of this planning. Now to use the Republican owned media to blame this increased gasoline to the other side.

It's not rocket science.
Offshore drilling, dumbass. Do you even know what that is? Right now China has rights to drill offshore in OUR waters so they are getting US oil while idiots like you protest the US from drilling in our own waters! Were you always ignorant or did your Liberal schooling make you that way?
You azzholes just keep your heads in the sand and pretend that the problem will go away if you do not look at it. If we drill into all of the oil under or near the U.S. in a few years we would have more oil than we could use only if we refine it here and keep it here. but we also need to develop alternates as fast as possible then we can sell the excess on the world market at $300 per barrel and our grain at $500 a bushel
I think that less than 25% of the leases already granted in the Gulf have been developed by the companies to which those leases were granted, so it's misdirection.

The same President opposed reporting of trades on the NYMEX and any move to regulate foreign exchanges in this country. The same President cut CTFC (the people who are supposed to make sure the market isn't being manipulated) budgets by 21% and had that approved by a Republican majority Congress, and he has opposed increasing CFTC budgets (we don't need no steenkin' cops).

He's like a really bad magician.

Look at the loon below me: he's still repeating the myth that China is drilling off Cuba even after it is widely and publicly exposed as being false. I guess even a bad magician can fool some people.
I do not see the problem in drilling for oil here. Alaska is the perfect example of how good drilling for oil in America went. Everyone cried ';OH THE CARIBOU!! THE CARIBOU!!'; The caribou use the Alaskan pipeline as a source of warmth, and the population of the caribou actually increased.

If you are so concerned about the evironment, go out and buy a hybrid car and some energy efficient lightbulbs and you'll feel better about yourself.
Without a shadow of a doubt he is.
So goes the true thinking of an oilman!

If Bush gave a damn about America as a whole, instead of how it can be used to enrich him and his oil/energy/coal buddies, we actually would be in better shape!

Whatever the negatives of Jimmy Carter may have been, the one thing he did was give America the hope of a brighter and cleaner future when he introduced solar panels to the White House!

Reagan came in 1981, took them down, and the corporate takeover and destruction of America began!
I think you are crazy.

We need that offshore oil, the Chinese are slant drilling 50 miles off our coast, why should they get all that oil. If you hate it so much, sell your car and refuse to buy anything from oil. Enjoy your new life in the dark ages.

Alternatives, look at the debacle of ethanol, starving people, worst pollution and such.
I think it is terribly funny that Bush decides he wants to lift the moratorium right after McCain flip flops his position on offshore drilling. The best part- allowing it would not even effect today's rising gas prices, and we won't see a drop of that oil for another 3 years if it goes through. Is that worth hurting the environment? I think not.

The price of a Barrel of Oil is now higher than ever, where does this money go?

Someone must be getting extremely rich from this..The price of a Barrel of Oil is now higher than ever, where does this money go?
why must you be worried where the money goes?dont you have any other job?what the hell can you do?The price of a Barrel of Oil is now higher than ever, where does this money go?
The Saudi's - they determine the price of oil (even though other countries also export some oil, the largest and richest land masses of oil comes from Saudi Arabia).

As for the ';fact'; that we are running out of oil, there have been numerous occasions of oil barons coming forward and stating that we have enough oil to last hundreds of years - they just see the potential to make lots of profit. Look it up and see what you find...
Countries/Oil companies are making vast profits. Some of the profits are re-invested in locating oil fields, but also individuals in these companies/countries r making vast wealth.

The government is raking in the tax.

Some of this money goes towards the services that the people are needing, some to pay for defence. The rest of the money, who knows!
did you know that a barrel of Coca-Cola is even higher than oil?

did you know that a barrel of Budwiesers beer is even higher that CoCa Cola %26amp; Oil together???

add that to your info
some goes to the oil companies and even more in taxes to the goverment then the goverment taxes the oil companys and scores again and thats before you pay 70p a ltr in tax when you fill up
the money goes to who ever is selling the oil, if u wanted you could buy a barrel of oil... keep it for several years and then sell it again your guarenteed to make profit
All i know is the u.k pay loads in tax to our government and its half the price in the states for fuel and it about time our uk government stopped taxing us all to the hilt.We are sinking cos of it
Into the pockets of the Oil Barons and the Petrol companies
The British government rakes in 80 per cent in revenue on every litre of petrol sold at the pumps.....and yet we the taxpayer pays for Gordon Browns kitchen improvements and his sky tv subscriptions.......politicans are worse than pimps.
the oil sheiks and the british goverment ;-)
and guess what, it is also a record profit year for those oil companies!!! THat is some baby back bullsh*T!!
The bloody Arabs who love their camels more than their wives.
the oil is running out people...
to al quada.
i would say it is going to someone, but it sure isnt us, the tax payers!!!
A barrel of oil out of the ground on its own is pretty useless to most people.There is a whole chain of people and processes involved in getting the basic product to end users in a form they can use and recognise.

The oil that comes out of the ground is sold by the people who own the oil field.The people who refine it ( yer basic international oil companies) process the crude oil and then sell on the different 'fractions'.The different fractions include the different petroleum products we are all familiar with.Petrol.Diesel.Kerosene for planes.

So there are a whole lot of people getting rich from it but you knew that already.

Is the oil shortage and price hike yet another con bythe oil companies? ?

The producers sell it to the refiners, the refiners sell it to the wholesalers and the wholesalers sell it to us.

Given that at each stage the company selling the oil to another company owned by itself and so on. Surely this is artificial shortage brought on to increase prices because have you noticed it never ever goes back to the original price Is the oil shortage and price hike yet another con bythe oil companies? ?
I agree, oil prices are being driven more by speculation than anything else. Commodity funds have invested $252 billion in 2008 in Oil futures which is more than ten times the amount they invested six years ago. All this is really driving up oil prices and creating a fake shortage.

For all the people thinking India and China are driving up prices, read the link below to get a feel on the numbers that these two countries consume. China 6.9% of total and India 2.4%.

Could these countries have really driven up oil prices?Is the oil shortage and price hike yet another con bythe oil companies? ?
There is not an oil shortage per se. The demand for oil has increased while the supply has remained the same. Many countries such as Mexico and Iran are actually producing less oil. They are not doing this to artificially raise the price, they simply do not have the technology to get more oil out of the ground. It is not a shortage, it is just a flat supply curve with an increasing demand curve. Prices do get pushed artificially high for reasons other than supply and demand - speculators caused part of the run up, and so do geopolitical issues. When Iran makes threatening comments, oil tends to go up. When Hugo Chavez does the same, oil goes up. When a terrorist blows up a pipeline in Nigeria, or a hurricane approaches oil platforms in the gulf, oil goes up. Remember, oil is a commodity, and is subject to continuous price fluctuations. Those who purchase commodities directly buy them at the lowest possible price so they can resell at a higher price. Blaming oil companies for the current price of oil and gasoline is greatly oversimplifying the issue.
Nice try, but no cigar. There are many producers in many countries, there are many refiners, and many wholesalers, etc. It is a free market and a competitive market. The function of the gasoline price follows the laws of supply and demand. We refuse to drill more wells, the EPA rules made the cost of refining so high that many refiners in the US closed their refineries and tore them down, some wells were exhausted, we prohibited the buillding of nuclear facilities, we passed many rules to make it more costly to use coal for electricity, we made it more difficult for pipelines to bring oil from Canada and Mexico---THUS THE SUPPLY OF OIL WAS REDUCED. There has been a great economic boom in the US, many more cars in the US and all over the world. An economic boom in Europe, especially eastern Europe and Russia, and Japan, and India, and especially China. THUS THE DEMAND FOR OIL HAS INCREASED. Guess what? Reduced supply and increased demand equal higher prices. We are going to have a temporary reduction in prices because of the coming world wide recession. The recession will be short. and then it will begin again. We must find ways to decrease our demand. The price of oil will take care of much of that, but we must also take steps to increase supply. If we start planning now, we might start having some supply results in five to ten years. The public needs to understand the problem so that the government can reduce barriers to solving the problem.
yes and no.

quick quote ';Ever notice how gasoline prices go up like mercury but go down like molasses?';

If the refiners are set up so that they have to buy oil in real time then they do have to sell the higher priced stuff before they can buy cheaper and pass it on. i have no idea how long this takes, how much they store. but they must be in cahoots to some degree.

As a good thing. high oil prices will help local manufacturing jobs because it will make shipping costs from china and others countries more expensive. Also efficiency will go up finally. everybody had to have an SUV that sucked mucho gas. its like a heroin dealer giving free samples and once the people get hooked jacking up the price.
I would say there is a shortage of oil! With china and india becoming more developed there demand for oil has gone sky high and the population of these countries is huge compared to the uk and us ( who are still using way more oil than we should!) And also due to the ridiculous taxes in the uk al least this will continue to put the prices up! In the Uk a few big supermarkets have decreased their prices by around 3p per litre but apart from that not much has changed!
There was never an oil ';shortage.'; The oil cartel, OPEC, has kept production lower than the demand for oil from developed and developing nations has risen, thus keeping the world price for oil high in their own interest. Oil companies in the US have little control over the world supply of oil.

Bush went to Saudi Arabia to beg them to increase production but apparently they ignored his pleas.
I agree oil has gone down $40 and we have only seen $0.37 drop at the pump where I am at.
  • eyeshadow stick
  • There is no shortage of oil. So what is the real reason for the price increases?

    A recent report spoke of how the oil companies had to raise prices because demand in the U.S. went down. Gasoline had to be sold for more money to make up for the loss in revenue brought on by conservation. So basically the oil shortage theory is false. Why do you think prices are really rising? And dont say China and India. If you cant afford gas, what makes you think the typical Chinese or Indian citizen can?There is no shortage of oil. So what is the real reason for the price increases?
    -Declining value of US dollar, down over 35% since 2002. Divide cost of barrel by 35% to get true value.

    -Decline of easily accessible oil reserves. New fields coming on line are mostly offshore, which is expensive to access and easily disrupted due to storms, etc. This is why we invaded Iraq. They have the last, easily accessible on-shore oil reserves. And it is good quality oil. A lot of the offshore reserves are poor quality oil, like Venezuela's reserves.There is no shortage of oil. So what is the real reason for the price increases?
    War profiteering. Plain and simple. Happens every time there's a war, and there's a war happening every minute of every day somewhere on the planet.

    This is what political apathy and short-sightedness gives us. Bad people get to do bad things without any inhibitions. Too late to whine about it now. I and people like me have been saying this for decades, pointing this all out in painful detail, enduring ridicule, aggression and censure in the process.

    Who's sorry now?
    population expansion creates demand. China is exploding, countries are becoming more densely populated. gas is used for buses, planes and other public transportation. The chinese can afford to take a bus. there is no shortage, just more demand.
    ';A recent report spoke of how the oil companies had to raise prices because demand in the U.S. went down';

    That makes no sense, I'd like to see that report.

    Their is no oil shortage per se but demand has risen while supply has not.
    BUSH.... hes gonna make as much profit as possible off it before he gets out of office. he's getting something out of this.

    vote democratic.
    Speculators on the floor of the Dow have been artificially inflating light sweet crude prices for months.
    Speculators in the commodities markets.
    there are many reasons

    1. the federal reserve is printing so much money to pay for the war that there is more money to buy the same amount of goods. That is why the price of gold is also going up, the supply is the same but we keep increasing the amount of dollars it takes to balance the system. Since the gold standard was removed by Nixon in the 70s the price of gold has gone from $35 to over a $1000 at one point. and since oil is tied to Gold oil goes up as well.

    2. all the *%26amp;^$ tree huggers got carter to lock up the coast lines on both oceans out to 200 miles which is the border of international waters. If you look up a proposed law by Bob bishop UT rep he is trying to open them up since you can only see the first 15 miles from shore and ocean drilling is the least impacting on the environment because it is easier to clean up spills when they aren't on land. The funny thing is Cuba has let China drill off their coast and since Cuba is less that the 200 miles the boarder is right in the middle and the Chinese are able to drill into our coastal supplies.

    3. The number of refineries have been cut in half since the 1970s and no more have been allowed to be built. so were refining oil in mostly outdated plants. if we were allowed to build new ones they would be more efficient.

    4. There are no shortages there are just restrictions and stupid ideas. During his little trip to Saudi Arabia to ask for more oil, Bush got told ';screw you by the government'; cause were are wanting to cut into their profits when we aren't willing to increase are production here.

    Are speculators driving oil prices or is it supply and demand?

    So many therories out there. what do you think? Are we in an oil ';bubble?';Are speculators driving oil prices or is it supply and demand?
    I think for 15% supplyers drive it up, for 50% speclations, for 20% local distributors and for 10% transportation. Also some cost have risen (+5%).Are speculators driving oil prices or is it supply and demand?
    It's supply and demand. The end of the cold war has meant that the Soviet model of how to run an economy ended in failure, so countries all over the world are now trying to grow their economies through market-driven export-led growth, the way Taiwan and Japan did. The main examples today are China and India. All those countries all wanting more factories all want more oil to fuel those factories. Now that the entire world is competing for the world's oil, it will never be cheap again.
    Even with increasing demand the oil-producing countries (OPEC) have the capacity to increase production....this would lead to lower prices.

    This is why President Bush went to Saudi Arabia this month, to ask them to increase production. But because of Dubya's policies, the Saudis only made a token increase, which has lowered prices marginally.

    The Saudis are irritated with Bush鈥檚 confrontational style; the US upsetting their neighborhood, and not bothering to consult with them. US relations with OPEC members like Venezuela and Iran were never very good, but under Bush they have turned far worse.

    For this reason OPEC members have no interest in increasing production. With the Saudis remaining quiet, every other producer is making hay, including US-haters like Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

    What is the best tanning oil or lotion you can get>?? at a cheap price?

    i want something that is a good price.

    from 1$-15$

    that wont clog pores,,and makes me tan :]]

    and smells good!

    know any??What is the best tanning oil or lotion you can get%26gt;?? at a cheap price?鈥?/a>

    smells amazing, cheap, gets the job done tanning-wise (tan ends up being a dark brown as opposed to a bronzish)

    I'm not sure about the clogging pores thing, not really sure how u can determine if they are clogged or not. Regardless I highly recommend it; my friend originally had the stuff, and I enjoyed it to such an extent that I snatched it from his house. Tru story.

    EDIT: I just noticed on the Features and Benefits List it says the 2 fragrances are coconut and citrus blast; u def. want to go with the coconut if it gives u the option to choose.

    I would actually buy from here cuz I'm fairly sure this is the coconut one, and the Hawaiian Tropic site doesn't give u the option to pick, i guess.鈥?/a>What is the best tanning oil or lotion you can get%26gt;?? at a cheap price?
    I like Neutrogena Sunless Tanning Foam with Instant Bronze. It's $8.00 I think, but it doesn't smell good. You won't find many cheaper ones that do because the smell is caused by the active ingredient.

    Did Israel manipulate oil prices with Iran threat?

    Israel bluffed an attack on Iran and oil rose five dollars in one day. Was the whole thing designed for Israeli traders to make money on oil?Did Israel manipulate oil prices with Iran threat?
    I would not put it past them.

    Now they have a report that we are already in Iran causing trouble or setting up the targets for Israel to hit. Only time will tell.Did Israel manipulate oil prices with Iran threat?
    No. Of Course not! They were American hedge fund traders and Exxon and Shell and BP shareholders who would be more inclined to raise oil prices. And they would like anti-semites to support your scenario.
    You got it wrong. It's the Arab countries (especially Iran) who manipulate the oil prices.

    Israel doesn't make any money from selling oil.
    You have a strange, ultra-liberal imagination. the answer to your question is, of course, an uaqualified ';NO!';
    oil has rose every day for the past 2 years i really doubt israel had anything to do with it.
    what about the experts at stock markets?

    Do you think the high price of oil is hurting the economy?

    only a little bit.Do you think the high price of oil is hurting the economy?
    Higher prices for gas don't only impact people at the pump, but is also causing the cost of food to go up because it costs more money to transport it.

    Many people aren't going to have as much money left over at the end of the month after buying food and gas. As a result, consumer spending has been dropping, which then impacts the rest of the economy.Do you think the high price of oil is hurting the economy?
    Absolutely. Food costs are steadily rising and they will only get higher as gas approaches 5 bucks. Right now, truckers are barely breaking even, so when they all really raise their prices to ship goods, the costs of food, construction materials, and anything else that is transported will go up more and more.
    Yes, people are being forced to spend more on fuel and less on the luxury goods they used to.

    The price won't being going down in the long-run, buy an electric or Hydrogen vehicle.
    Most definitely it is.
    Inflation is a real risk
  • eyeshadow stick
  • Do the falling Oil prices make you as happy it makes me?

    Or are you one who thinks high prices will save the Earth?Do the falling Oil prices make you as happy it makes me?
    NO!Do the falling Oil prices make you as happy it makes me?
    It makes me happy... but the high prices were a wake up call to many people.. Which in the long run will be a good thing (I hope)..

    people realized how much control another country has over us, so hopefully they will get on the bandwagon with renewable energy. We are already seeing the effects in the car industry, with new hybrids, smaller cars, and alternative energy cars coming out. The demand for these vehicles has gone up, so the industry follows.. I think that's a good thing all the way around.
    These falling oil prices should teach you republicans a lesson! Yes the people that control the oil prices have the ability to brig down prices it is not the market that dictates this.This is what your hero Bush has been saying for a long time and like goodlittle sheep you believe everything he says!
    Not really. It's just a hoax perpetrated by the oil companies to convince you that things are getting better, and therefore we do not need to change anything in our government. In other words, they want you to vote for their friend John McCain. Mark my words- when the election is over they'll slowly rise again and will be at record levels by next spring.
    The falling oil prices in this case mens everything else is falling too.

    We are headed for a Great Demorcrat Depression if Barack Hussein Obama is elected, God forbid, and implenents his Socialist TAX TAX TAX.

    The United Socialist States of America aka USSA.

    It makes me really happy. I love seeing the pump prices go down as oil goes down.

    I swear I wish I had control of offshore drilling. I would work my azz off to make the U.S self sufficient on its own oil. I would then have a huge poster of thousands of Americans flipping the bird and send it to Opec once we are self sufficient.
    I like cheaper gas as much as anyone...however, $2.50 a gallon isn't exactly what I consider cheap. We still need to lessen our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels. I remember gas was only about $1.25 a gallon when I started driving in the early 80's. I guess that was even expensive by 80's dollars. Anyway, we gotta find another source someday.
    Sure I'm happy about falling oil prices, but it's a fallacy. OPEC is reducing production to drive the prices back up. We need to continue to lower demand. That's the only way to beat these guys.
    I am happy with the falling Oil prices, however OPEC will be cutting back more and more. Look for the prices to increase dramatically after the election.
    I think the high prices of oil was one of the biggest reasons that our economy crashed. So yes I'm happy to finally see the oil prices drop.
    i think we need to buy the biggest gas guzzling cars to use up as much gas as possible so we can get rid of it all stop depending on other countrys and find an alternative source that well only be depending on ourselves for.
    As a worker in the shipping industry, I'm ecstatic. Fuel surcharges were starting to cost clients more than moving their actual freight!
    Enjoy it while you can, elections are over on Nov 4th.

    Well OPEC recently announced to cut production so that prices will increase. You won't be happy for much longer.
    How is your 401k? You are probably losing far, far more money than you are currently saving on your current gasoline expenditures...
    I am very happy about it but opec can't stand the loss and now will lower production to raise price at the pump.. that's bushes friends for ya
    The libs are crying, boo hoo, whaaaa,

    Americans can afford to drive again, this is a (liberal) tragedy
    until you find out that OPEC announced that they are cutting daily supply by 1.5 million barrels to raise the price again.
    I like low prices as long as this does not distract us from pursuing energy independence.
    Oil prices are only a small part of what is happening now.
    Right cause, wrong way to promote a healthier earth though.
    Makes me feel alot better not to spend one third of my paycheck for gas.
    I can't wait to see oil back at $35 a barrel, where it belongs.
    yes!!! :D
    Yes.....see Bush fixed the price of Oil.

    Take that gass and we are winning the war.
    prices ok
    Oil prices have no effect on my happiness. I'm not that shallow.
    I'm lovin it! Keep those prices falling.
    Yes, especially when you have an SUV.
    Loving it,Means our heating bills will be lower than expected.
    I don't drive anymore. Raise them to the heavens for all I care.

    Why do Israel manipulate Oil price? it happened this week, as well as last week ...?

    I'm pretty sure that they don't. Do you have any specific examples, or are you just a garden-variety anti-Semite?Why do Israel manipulate Oil price? it happened this week, as well as last week ...?
    They don't. Why do you hate Israel?Why do Israel manipulate Oil price? it happened this week, as well as last week ...?
    lol...this is a first...still blaming the jews for the world problems your pathetic
    Where did you come up with this crap? From
    As soon as dems let us use our own oil resources, we won't have to depend on foreign oil.
    If they manipulate oil prices only then the world would have been fine and peaceful ...
    Israel is not an oil producing nation. What are you talking about?
    Israel doesn't per se --- it's threats against Iran do!
    Why do Israel?. . .Why do you even bother.
    Hmmmm, I'm going to guess you're from the Middle East, hate Israel and belong to some fundamentalist group, although not a violent one. Amirite?

    Why is it that the price of OIL is over $1/L again?

    Toronto, CanadaWhy is it that the price of OIL is over $1/L again?
    Among other things, poltical tension with Iran, production problems in Iraq, and civil unrest / gangsters in Nigeria. Add in the fact that demand (especially from China) is higher than ever, and that accounts for a lot of it. Also, market speculation has had quite a role to play, including OPEC being very coy about its production quotas, and commodities traders (who are out for a profit like anyone else) running the futures up.Why is it that the price of OIL is over $1/L again?
    It has to do with the price of crude. It's up again.
    Ours is $2.39 and I don't see any reason for it.
    Because people will pay it.
    The whole process of getting oil and processing it is a Huge expensive, and dangerous oredeal. And a dollar a liter isnt really that much. A half-liter of bottled water can cost $1.50. A cup of coffee cost around a buck and a half. Gas compared to these things is cheap, just feel lucky you live in north america where getting gas is easy. Other countries you must wait in line for hours and hours to pay way more for a liter of gas.
    A lot of people believe that it goes hand-in-hand with precious metals prices. This is a misconception but it still seems to be the case that as gold goes up, so goes oil. Gold, silver, platinum and palladium are all at the highest prices in years, and look, oil it right with them. If the precious metals keep going up, expect oil to do the same, and expect the Canadian dollar to keep getting weaker.
    Because they can charge what they want, and we are stuck paying for it. We don't have reasonable alternatives, and THEY have most of the oil. When we can be competitive (either with oil or another type of energy), then the price will drop. (Think of the only guy selling bottles of water in a desert...he can chanrge anyhting he wants, and people will buy).....HIGH demand, not enough supply/suppliers
    Lack of refineries, and lack of drilling in North America.

    What do high oil prices lead to ?

    And where can I find the data, info, etc. I really need to know where i can watch the sundance short film from this year on it but i understand its hard to find.

    Thanks so much!What do high oil prices lead to ?
    higher oil prices ---%26gt; higher transportation costs ---%26gt; higher production costs ---%26gt; lower supply ---%26gt; higher OVERALL prices ---%26gt; lower quantity demanded ---%26gt; lower OVERALL consumption ---%26gt; lower GDP ---%26gt; no economic growth

    a basic model to show you ^^What do high oil prices lead to ?
    bad economy. lolz me only a lvl 1 and got 50 points

    What causes the oil prices to increase? Which type of ppl and country benefit the most?

    Most prices increases are driven by OPEC(middle east) and the futures market.

    OPEC obviously benefits from the increases and most countries are effectively held hostage by them. The US is because most democrats and no few republicans refuse to streamline the refinery and drilling permit processes.

    We haven't built a refinery in the US since the 60's because of the government.

    The price is determined by market forces and taxation, the latter of which takes up about 50% of the price and its higher in Europe.

    Reason oil companies make so much money is that the government refuses to allow them drill more wells or build more refineries therefore, they can only control consumption through pricing.

    Its also worth while noting that the 70's oil ';crunch'; was the result of the EPA mandating formula changes and dividing production into regions and seasons.What causes the oil prices to increase? Which type of ppl and country benefit the most?
    the people who own the wells and the middle men. the price of gas has gone up by over 300% the lost couple of years. The oil companies are making record profits

    Question on barrel of oil price?


    how many gallons makes a barrel....or how much quantity of oil exist in a barrelll....

    why is gas price always measured in terms of barrel price...

    please clarifyQuestion on barrel of oil price?
    A barrel holds 55 gallons. The 55 gallon drum or barrel is a standard container size. It's small enough that a person can move it, with great effort, by himself yet big enough to hold a sizable quantity of product. As far as oil price being quoted in barrel's of oil I might speculate that it is a hold over from the very earliests days of the oil industry when oil was brought to market in barrels hauled by horse and wagon.
  • eyeshadow stick
  • Oil price update news....where to find?

    is there any website that can give me update oil price all the time which is truen,fair and sound?Oil price update news....where to find?
    There are none that meet your parameters.Oil price update news....where to find?
    try Report Abuse

    Oil price is nearly US 120....... ?

    What do you think about it ?Oil price is nearly US 120....... ?
    Should fall a bit during the summer, however it WILL get MUCH higher, especially next winter ...

    PS USA only has itself to blame .. there's PLENTY of oil in Alaska .. of course Congress decided Polar Bears are more important than humans .. even if they take off the restrictions TODAY it will be 5 years or more before the Alaskan oil starts flowing .. you guys are going to get COLD !Oil price is nearly US 120....... ?
    Just thank your lucky stars you don't live on an island like I do. I have to pay the oil price PLUS the cost of the oil to get the tanker to New Zealand.

    Thanks for the war America - really helped us out (not)

    Is anyone else mad that Turkey approved its army to invade Iraq causing oil prices to pass $90 dollars?

    The secondary consequence might be that Iran wouldn't have a problem invading Iraq on behalf of the Shiite population if Turkey does.

    What do you think might happen if Turkey invades?Is anyone else mad that Turkey approved its army to invade Iraq causing oil prices to pass $90 dollars?
    If the US claimed the right to attack Al Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan, why can't Turkey claim the right to attack the PKK in Northern Iraq?. The PKK is what to Turkey as what Al Qaeda is to the US.

    Anyone else who is against this action by Turkey is a hypocrite. The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by the EU, US and Turkey for years. And Turkey is also fighting the ';war on terror';.

    It is a matter of principle. To say that Turkey must not do anything against the PKK just to avoid oil prices from shooting up above $90 dollars is purely irresponsible.Is anyone else mad that Turkey approved its army to invade Iraq causing oil prices to pass $90 dollars?
    Yes made at the idiot liberals blaming them for what the Ottoman Empire did and open a flood gate of Hatred on the US and Iraq.

    By the way Rush Limbaugh censure is on sale on EBay for over 2 million dollars.
    All heck will break loose. Of course, you might want to ask Nancy Pelosi about how best to deal with Turkey.
    If turkey invades all it will do is destroy the ';rebels'; bases and kill some ';terrorists'; then retreat back to turkey. Hey it might take them about 1 or 2 weeks to do that!

    Btw i really doubt Iran cares about the kurds
    Turkey won't invade as long as the U.S. is there !
    Is anyone else mad that our Congress tried to pass the Armenian Genocide resolution last week condemning Turkey, making them so mad that their parliment approved it's army to invade Iraq causing oil pirces to pass $90 a barrel proving that actions have consequences?
    While I'm not usually a fan of Tukey's pilicies. The situation in Iraq is dire, it's about time someone cracked down on Iraq. I doubt Iran would invade, they're not ready for a war with the USA at this point. Their half-baked Soviet-wannabe nuclear weapons aren't even finished yet.

    How does oil prices decide the world economy..?

    How does oil prices decide the world economy..? I read it somewhere and have no clue what /how it decides the economy of a country or a continent.?

    Can someone explain i simple terms , if possible with examples.?

    Thank You so much..How does oil prices decide the world economy..?
    oil is the backbone of our economy everyone needs gas to get their products to the stores or to get to workHow does oil prices decide the world economy..?
    oil is a major import and export for different countries. so, its price can determine how much a country has to spend or how much it earns/saves
    Few things frighten governments as much as the boom and bust in oil prices.

    Since entrepreneurs first started to extract oil from the ground in the early 19th century, the commodity has spawned a billion-dollar industry.

    The provision of heat, light and transport often depends on oil and some of the great economic dramas of the last century have been triggered by a change in the price of oil.

    The price of oil

    ';Black gold'; has made instant millionaires of many, providing the inspiration for Dallas, a 1980's television drama about a ruthless oil tycoon, JR Ewing.

    From the minute an entrepreneur strikes oil, to when a car driver draws up to the petrol station, many people can make a buck from the sale of oil.

    Shell operates many UK petrol stations

    Oil companies negotiate rents from countries for the right to exploit oil and licences to explore for oil are a handy source of income for many countries.

    Thousands of oil deals are struck at commodity exchanges, such as London's International Petroleum Exchange.

    Many of these arrange for delivery of oil at a future date at an agreed price, so people can protect themselves against sudden changes in the oil price.

    Crisis in oil

    The price of oil is influenced by many factors, but the most important ones tend to be supply and demand as well as political uncertainty or change.

    Think of high oil prices and many people think of Middle Eastern sheikhs holding the West to ransom.

    The oil-producing countries originally banded together to regain control of a commodity they felt Western oil companies were monopolising for profit.

    These companies had kept oil prices low, increasing the West's dependence on oil as a source of energy and fuelling Western prosperity.

    Iraq is an Opec founding member

    In September 1960, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela met in Baghdad to set up the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

    Ineffectual for many years, OPEC asserted itself in the early 1970s when it raised oil prices 130%.

    The oil crisis of the seventies prompted a world recession.

    Oil companies and manufacturers rushed to pass the cost on to consumers, prompting inflation, recession and high unemployment in industrialised countries.

    Among other things, the oil crisis prompted a three day week in the UK, as part of an ongoing effort to save energy.

    As well, it resulted in the death of the petrol engine in London's black cabs, many of which have now been replaced by diesel engines.

    Oil - a recession trigger?

    Many analysts make the link between high oil prices and global recession.

    Recessions in the 1970s, the early 1980s and the early 1990s were all preceded by a rise in the oil price.

    A second oil shock in 1979, combined with the 1979 Iranian revolution and the beginning of the Iran/Iraq war sent prices higher.

    During the Gulf War, prompted by Iraq's occupation of Kuwait in 1990, oil prices again shot higher, out of fear that fighting in the area would affect supply.

    In recent years, the US and Europe have benefited from the fall in oil prices, triggered in part by the 1997 Asia financial crisis.

    This allowed the US economy to grow, without a simultaneous boom in inflation.

    When the price of oil hit $10, it prompted OPEC to cut production last March.

    This conspired with the emergence of Asian countries from recession - and an increase in the demand for oil -to push the oil price to over $30.

    Oil may be less important to the world economy than it was in the 1970s, but in a US election year, a high oil price raises fears about inflation as well as disgruntled voters.

    The cost of oil has also driven US imports higher, sending the US trade deficit to record levels in the past year.

    The oil companies

    Last year's low oil prices helped bring about mergers between BP and Amoco and Mobil and Exxon.

    While these companies will benefit from a higher oil price, many traditional oil companies are looking to diversify into other fuels, such as gas.

    Shell now defines itself as an oil and gas company and it is investing in renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind power and wave power.

    Other manufacturers have found that in an increasingly competitive world, instead of passing the cost onto consumers when the oil price rises, they have to take a hit on profits themselves.

    Profits of airline companies, among others, have been hit by the high cost of jet fuel.
    Very simple...

    Everything we do... relies on oil.

    We need it for going from A to B.

    And every single item we buy needs to be transported to the shop... sometimes from across the world.

    The farmer use a lot of oil to operate their machineries. So does the building industry.

    So when the price of oil goes up... everything else does...

    That's create inflation and a rise in interest rates to control inflation so that the country does not go into debts.

    By rising interest rates... it stops people borrowing money to buy things. People borrow money because when prices rises, they don't have enough money to buy things.

    The result of the oil price rising affects everyone's standard of living. We are all poorer because of it.
    well until a better energy source is invented its the best we have and we use it for everything. oil will have a large bearing on economy . i pray someone will invent something better and more economical soon.
    Oil prices heavily influence the world economy because most manufacturing plants within a country will need oil as its main source of energy.

    Each country varies as to what type of manufacturing they will have, but the main source of energy will stay the same.

    The higher the prices of oil become, the higher the cost of manufacturing, the lower the prices of oil become the lower the prices of manufacturing.

    Are other countries having the same experience with rising oil prices as the united states?

    do france, britain, germany, mexico etc. have the same problem we do. and are they also seeing similiar inflation of goods as a direct result?Are other countries having the same experience with rising oil prices as the united states?
    But they have cars that get tons more mileage than ours does.Am I the only one realizes that?There is no comparsion. We should all be up in arms over the mileage America's car get.Every time it comes up just heard on the news epa stops it one way and another.Have you not heard of the Ta-Da? gets 50 miles per gallon.I heard a car dealer say he would sell them here for $14,000 to $20,000 no one is going to pay that it doesn't even have a radio .Hey mine ain't fancy but I do have a radio.Guess I am spoiled huh?Are other countries having the same experience with rising oil prices as the united states?

    Why not?

    When one does not know how to keep his mouth shut.

    That got backfired on themselves too.

    All for the cheap-skate glory as king of the jew with crown of thorns with two empty hands and two balls in messing up the ';King and I';

    Next level will be 120/barrel.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?
    Those countries already pay far more than the US does. It's going up in Canada too but people are better at conserving so it doesn't hurt us as much.
    In Europe gas is almost twice as expensive, but in Europe people are intelligent enough to drive less ';show off'; small vehicles.
    One needs to get out a Provi loan to fill up in Britain.
    Yes they are.
    Yo dude
    you bet ye.

    Could oil prices (and gas prices) see less fluctuation if oil companies stockpiled incoming oil?

    If oil companies built large reserve tanks (millions of barrels worth) and bought a consistent, steady supply, would the supply and demand spikes be minimized and the control of prices shift back to us?Could oil prices (and gas prices) see less fluctuation if oil companies stockpiled incoming oil?
    To answer your questions...They already do, and it does.

    Oil companies arn't stupid, if they see an opportunity to buy oil while it is cheap and stockpile it, they do. However, there is only so much you can stockpile. And if there is an opportunity to buy cheaper oil, so many companies start buying it that it drives the price up again...simple economics.

    To answer the other part of your question, the price of gasoline (and oil) is already controlled by us, the general public. There is an incredible demand (320,500,000 gallons of gas per day), and thats what drove the price of oil up to the $145 range. Then, there was a small backlash, and people starting driving more conservatively, and using less (the first decreases in consumption in 15 years), resulting in lower gas prices. Its ALWAYS about supply and demand.
  • eyeshadow stick
  • Will drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf actually lower oil prices?

    Do you have any solid sources saying so?

    Thanks!Will drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf actually lower oil prices?

    Supply and Demand quit effecting the price of oil when speculators influenced by mass media started determining its market value.

    Opening drilling will not effect the price as long as saber rattling with Iran and Venezuela is viewed as a possibility of interruption to supply by speculators who will drive up the price.鈥?/a>

    Speculators and value of US dollar influences prices.Will drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf actually lower oil prices?
    Yes. It's simple supply and demand. The more oil we get the less each barrel will cost.
    It depends if and ONLY if that oil is sold in the USA.. We know that won't happen. It's basic economics.
    Absolutely not! Drilling the Outer Continental Shelf will do more harm to the tourist trade and the environment then the slight effect it will eventually have on the prices, in about 8 years!
    You will find below that oil and gas companies are cutting their drilling plans world wide due to a glut of oil and gas in the market. Just because we make drilling legal does not mean that we will be drilling any time soon. The other places in the world that oil companies have to choose from have oil and gas in places much cheaper to drill than the outer continental shelf and they are not going to drill there either.

    When the new lease start to produce other production will have fallen off more. The US reached peak oil in the 70s. No matter what we do we will alway produce less year over year.

    Here is a non profit group that does of course receive money from oil companies that says so.
    Yes they will.

    About 1% around 10-20 years from now.鈥?/a>

    No, but the possibility that we might open up vast new oil leases will. If we do not develop alternate energy sources like shale oil recovery we deserve what ever our stupidity brings. Bio-fuel is a joke and wind energy is a novelty when we compare it to the energy source in oil shale. It really doesn't matter because the powers that be are going to dictate what will be done and we poor common folk will continue to reach for the carrot and pull the cart just like we always have. I believe that you getting as much pleasure out of life that you possibly can with the sweat of your brow is the best that the common man can and will be able to do. The only people who have the ability to solve the world's problems are just too busy rocking their chairs on front porches all across this great land.
    They don't even have to drill to lower oil prices. The fact that it is going to be possible to do so will cause them to drop. If you are a speculator, then knowing that their exists conditions to increase supply will make you sell, because when supply goes up, cost goes down. Knowing that supply can increase is an indication that the only place that the price of oil can go is down. Why would you hold onto that oil?

    If and when they actually drill, it will drive the price down even further. Any basic economic textbook is a solid source for this fact. When Bush lifted the off-shore drilling ban, the price of gas dropped 10 cents instantly, and that wasn't even enough to guarantee offshore drilling. Supply didn't even actually increase then, it only became possible for it to increase.

    Oil peaked around $150 / barrel. Many blamed the war (a legitimate and highly plausible) for its increase. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oil is now $100 / barrel. The dollar has typically been going down. What could possibly cause that drop?
    Probably not. It might even increase the price of gas because it will be much more expensive to drill there than it is to drill on land.
    um....maybe a quarter for a couple years....but it will create some jobs

    Why are oil prices posting below $40 a barrel and gas remains around 1.90 per gallon?

    last time the oil went below 40/barrel, prices were around 1.60 a gallon.Why are oil prices posting below $40 a barrel and gas remains around 1.90 per gallon?
    LOL who cares. Its not 4 dollars anymore stop complainting %26amp; accept it. Milk is 1.90 or something like that what's the big deal It's not like gas doesnt have limits or other factors. Dont drive so much or get a car that gets better mileage. Pretty much anywhere else in the world even on a good day %26amp; with good supply gas would be like 8 or 9 dollars %26amp; yet even in bad times the US has only gotten to about half that still. Enough already. More use of gas means more people fighting for the supply thus they can charge whatever they want or is considered fair by the market %26amp; you have to pay or not get any. If you adjust for inflation we still pay less not then we did when cars came out.Why are oil prices posting below $40 a barrel and gas remains around 1.90 per gallon?
    Gas went down to $1.47 then has creeped back up to $1.69 here in Arkansas....
    The people controlling gas prices are not only the sellers, such as Saudi Arabia, but also the oil companies here in America. Even if they may get gas for cheaper, OPEC has decided that in the long term they don't want to allow people to buy for so cheap. So a board of men decides the price here, and vala.

    They want to keep making money and we'll keep buying gas.

    Who's responsible of the oil barrel price increase?

    You'll get many different answers thats for sure! It's a matter of supply and demand combined with speculators. Oil is sold on the commodities market which affects its price more than a typical supply/demand product would.

    China and India have been growing rapidly which accounts for a large portion of the demand. (China used 10% more oil last month than they did a year ago!) That combined with OPEC controlling output keeps oil prices artificially high. Add the commodities/speculation market in and theres the issue!

    What is the answer to oil prices and supply.?

    Low inventory and tight supply seems to be the driving force behind the insane price of oil. I don't understand why more refineries are not being build and the government is not trying to find a solution for!!!What is the answer to oil prices and supply.?
    There truly is no real long term solution to this problem at all. The solution is to pump billions into alternative fuels and to try develop new sources of energy.

    The problem is diminishing supply and increasing demand.

    Developing nations like China, India, Brazil and others are developing at a fast pace and as they do so the demand for oil and energy increases almost exponentially. China's population, for example, is becoming increasingly urban and far more mobile with a rapidly expanding automotive market as more Chinese opt for Vehicle ownership now.

    These developing nations are now competing with the US and others for the limited energy resources available today. Hence increasing demand. This pushes the limited new sources of oil to the limit and thus it becomes more scarce and as any resoucrce becomes scarce its value skyrockets.

    The trend will never backtrack. They are not making new oil the reserves and oil dfields we have today is all we have. Get used to higher prices, conserve, and buy more fuel efficient cars. Do what you can to encourage alternative energy production.What is the answer to oil prices and supply.?
    The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on this very issue on June 3 2008, last Tuesday. The hearing was titled Energy Market Manipulation and Federal Enforcement Regimes. For a real eye opener, take a look at the testimony from that hearing:鈥?/a>

    In particular look at the testimony of Michael Greenberger, who served as the Director of the Division of Trading and Markets at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from September 1997 to September 1999:鈥?/a>

    After reading this stuff, you will understand what exactly is going on with oil. You are paying at least $1 more for a gallon of gas than you would pay under non-manipulated supply and demand.

    Any explanations that blame factors such as increased demand from China and India, dwindling supply, or ';peak oil';, are simply irrelevant. Nobody knows what the actual driving forces are, nor their actual effect, so long as large scale speculators such as hedge funds and Morgan Stanley (the latter is actually buying and stockpiling oil as a hedge against the falling dollar) continue to manipulate the price in unregulated markets.

    Don't take my word for it -- read the testimony above. You'll gain a good clear understanding of what exactly has been going on.
    well first off the president is an idiot

    and the demand for oil is soo high they don't have enough to supply it which i swhy it costs more

    and more refineries aren't opened because there aren't many places where we can find oil and all the ones that are open that we don't get oil from don't like the US very much because of the president

    so right now we are SOLs
    Drill locally. Stop buying from forign countries.

    Venezula drills their own oil and only pays .14 cents per gallon (US $).

    But the tree huggers don't want that, and want high gas prices so there is less gas usage. Republicans don't complain because they are making $$$.
    In the long term nothing can be done.

    Oil will run out.

    Why blame Democrats for high oil prices when it was JEB Bush who banned it off the coast of Florida?

    Didn't want oil spills ruining the beaches and cutting into tourism revenues. And he went to court to make it stick. You Republicans DO believe in ';State's Rights'; don't you? If a state bans offshore drilling, what can you do?

    Not blaming Democrats would be a start.Why blame Democrats for high oil prices when it was JEB Bush who banned it off the coast of Florida?
    '; If a state bans offshore drilling, what can you do? ';

    Nothing, but lift the Federal ban to allow drilling in the other 49 states.Why blame Democrats for high oil prices when it was JEB Bush who banned it off the coast of Florida?
    What?! He isn't the only one who banned this, several states did! So yes, I blame the democrats!
    I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.

    Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?

    Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !

    Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :

    China hikes fuel prices…

    China to raise energy prices…

    But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.

    For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
    It won't make any difference anyway. Oil companies have leased 68 million acres of Federal lands they are not using and have been issued 10,000 drilling permits they have not used on those lands. Currently, US oil companies are hording enough leases on public lands to boost our daily production of oil by more than 30%, and they aren't doing it.

    Meanwhile, Exxon is opening a huge field in Angola where the cost to extract and transport the oil is going to be about 4 dollars a barrel.
    i blame both parties.
    The NEW Gov. Charlie Christ is having second thoughts about that policy now.
    Typical GOP spin. Come on, we should be used to it by now.
    The blame is unjust, nd if we want lower prices we should elect Obama

    Has the increase in crude oil prices affected australian economy?

    Of course.

    Though Australia produces much of its own oil, it is still a net importer of around 300,000 barrels/day:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Its per capita consumption of oil is also fairly high - higher than most European countries:鈥?/a>

    So how can the increase in oil prices not have a major impact?

    Furthermore, since Australia is so isolated, the rising cost of petroleum derivatives makes transportation costs to and from Australia significantly higher. That means:

    - Australian exports will cost more elsewhere

    - Australians will have to pay more for their imports

    - fewer tourists will be able to afford traveling to Australia

    These will also affect the Australian economy significantly.

    In general, the same factors that are increasing oil prices (demand from China and India, etc.) are also increasing the prices for the commodities that Australia exports (coal, iron ore, wheat, etc.) so the Australian economy as a whole is doing fairly well. Still the rising crude oil prices are showing up in higher inflation rates, etc.:鈥?/a>
  • eyeshadow stick
  • What is the relationship between oil prices and elections in the US?

    Why did we have to wait for an election for the dollar to inch back up? I know it is bad news for the oil companies that pump oil from public lands for meager royalties to the US treasury compared to what they pay private land owners.


    What is the relationship between oil prices and elections in the US?
    Not sure what your last sentence is trying to say, a lot of private individuals get little if anything from the oil companies for their rights.

    Low oil prices encourage the people to believe the economy is improving under the present administration but, whomever wins the election, the gas prices will go higher again.What is the relationship between oil prices and elections in the US?
    The connection is like this the GOP is in charge. The oil companies are cozy with the GOP leadership. We have an admitted oilman as president. we have an admitted wannabe oilman as VP.

    The oil companies in collusion can easily manipulate the price of oil.

    Example. When an election is not in the near future even a flatulent flea in the desert can drive up the price of oil. Today with a very important election pending even the hurricane season can not seem to drive the price up in fact quite the reverse when a hurricane misses it drives the price down.
    Unless some candidate makes a crazy campaign promise like to shut off all oil production that he can, there isn't much relationship at all. Oil is fungible and is traded on a global market. Despite what the uninformed try to tell you, there's little the POTUS can do to make oil prices suddenly go down. He can make them go up through bad moves, but like the rest of the govt., can do little good other then to get out of the way.

    ';Why did we have to wait for an election for the dollar to inch back up?';

    What election was there recently?
    Like war, just manipulation.

    When they droop the Obama will He lower the Price Per Barrel of Oil ?

    President has no control of price of oil.

    I think that the united states should use all the oil in Alaska so that we dont have to put up with gas price?

    would you agree?

    and while we use all the oil, we can find a better source of energy.

    It might cost allot of money but it would create jobs.... it should definitely be nationalized and kept out of the hands of company's; im sure they wouldnt like that.I think that the united states should use all the oil in Alaska so that we dont have to put up with gas price?
    Aside from a couple good answers above me is the fact that there is actually a ';glut'; of oil on the market right now. As consumers, we're getting hosed by the fact that oil companies over the last decade or so have been buying all the businesses in between oil being drilled to the gas in your tank ( shipping, refining etc) which have basically allowed them to control the prices (not in our favor of course) My suggestion: Buy a car that gets great mpg or start ';hoofing'; itI think that the united states should use all the oil in Alaska so that we dont have to put up with gas price?
    Nationalization is not the answer to anything. Everything the government touches is terribly inefficient and costly. You've been to the DMV, right?

    Only private businesses can handle the responsibility of running a company. They have their money and careers at stake. The government has nothing to lose when they fail.

    The government does not do a good job of much of anything.


    public school system-we now have some of the poorest educated students in the world, behind what are considered third world countries.

    The post office, constantly needs to raise stamp prices, and does a poor job. Mail service is slower, more expensive and less reliable. The federal government has a monopoly on the delivery of first-class mail; as a result, the Postal Service is the country's third-largest employer. Like all monopolies, the postal monopoly is abused, as the government forces people to accept increasingly worse service at ever higher prices.

    The governments financial management is deplorable, and is constantly under investigation. The IRS is full of abuses against the civil liberties of U.S.citizens.

    The voters registrar's office is probed all the time, because of mismanagement.

    And you want them to be in charge further than they already are in the nation's energy?!

    The mere fact that you would be for that only further demonstrates the deplorable public education system that we have, because with more education you would know that the government has never done a good job at anything that their hands have been in.
    The USGS estimates about 5 billion barrels of oil is recoverable from Alaska.

    The United States consumes an average of 20 million barrels of oil per day (bbl/d), according to the Department of Energy. Of that, about 45 percent is used for motor gasoline.

    So drilling into the pristine areas including ANWR would get us about a year's worth of oil.

    Do you think we could develop all our wind, water and solar energy independence in that time?
    It would destroy a vast ecosystem. Oil companies don't exactly have the best track record of protecting the environment, look at Shell. There are other locations, in our territory off shore that they can drill, but they are too cheap to use those options, even though they are making a fortune gouging us on gas. We shouldn't have to ruin our wildlife just because the oil companies are too cheap to drill in other areas that are approved.

    If you expect oil to keep going up in price, then which are good oil stocks to invest in?


    Maybe your best option is not to invest in an oil company at all. You should consider investing in an Oil Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). These funds aim to replicate the performance of the price of crude oil itself. This is achieved by the fund investing directly in oil future contracts (too expensive for small individual investors like us!)

    The advantages are these funds are a purer way to invest if you want just exposure to rising oil prices.

    Their performance is much less correlated to the general stock market than the stock of an oil company would be. This is a great advantage when markets are falling as they seem to be at the minute.If you expect oil to keep going up in price, then which are good oil stocks to invest in?
    great question. PBR will likely have the largest earning report of any corporation ever. PBR recently announced the discovery of an oilfield that could be the largest discovered in 40 years. Technical problems abound and the oil is not able to be drilled at this point. PBR now has 70% of the worlds deep ocean rigs under contract. Deep shore rig operators like Transocean (RIG), Diamond Offshore Drilling (DO) and Noble (NE) should continue to do well. Look for stocks that have pulled back. Also look for counties that are exporters of oil such as russia and brazil. The oil sands of canada will increasingly become more important. BQI is on of the largest land holder of oilsands. NOA will be one of the companies doing construction for all the companies. Connacher Oil and Gas Ltd. (CLLZF.PK) is a Canadian oil sands play with great potential.If you expect oil to keep going up in price, then which are good oil stocks to invest in?
    Most oil company stocks are already above the means of the aveerage investor.Find a co-op or other company that allows public trading that is going to be starting a biofuel plant.Getiing in on the ground floor of a starting company is easier.
    These are the stocks I like to play oil with



    Live oil price?

    I've been searching everywhere for an online chart showing the headline oil price combined with a historical chart. Where can i find one?Live oil price?

    Try this site, you can track it from five years to now. You can also track the gold price too!

    Why are the Democratic & Republican candidates not being asked or answering the question of rising oil prices?

    The media have never persued any candidates on their answer to what they will do to stop %26amp; reduce the price of oil or their future intention to rein in the policies and control of OPEC%26gt;Why are the Democratic %26amp; Republican candidates not being asked or answering the question of rising oil prices?
    They do not want to upset the Environmentalist's they want their votes. We can not control OPEC unless we start drilling our own oil. We have plenty in Alaska.Why are the Democratic %26amp; Republican candidates not being asked or answering the question of rising oil prices?
    We have no control over OPEC, we're not a part of it. So what could the president do? The only way oil prices will go down is if we're not dependent on foreign oil. And the freakin environmentalists wont let that happend because there's oil everywhere in Wyoming and Alaska...So blame them, not the politicians
  • eyeshadow stick
  • Where can I find historical light crude oil prices?

    Specifically daily prices for the last two years.Where can I find historical light crude oil prices?鈥?/a>

    Will oil price come down from 130 $ per barrel EVER ???

    its rising and rising and rising and rising and rising and.........

    and finishing and finishing and finishing and finishing......

    day-by-day day-by-day day-by-day day-by-day day-by-day ........Will oil price come down from 130 $ per barrel EVER ???
    only if we quit driving---ugruWill oil price come down from 130 $ per barrel EVER ???
    The Oil price would come down in the short term. It cannot stay up there unless the Corporations want it to stay up there. But in the long run, here ain't no way we can prevent a huge increase in Crude oil.

    Maybe Shale Oil and Tar sands can be used to ratchet-up production of oil, in effect quadruple the total oil produced. But this is not going to happen, because producing oil this way is very expensive.

    Allegedly there are 1.5 to 1.7 trillion barrels of oil in the Colorado Green River valley, in the form of Oil Shale. The last attempt to recover this oil was thwarted by a sudden drop in oil pricing caused by Saudi Arabia increasing production.

    Companies existing purely for shale oil recovery went bankrupt. Major oil companies stopped their losses by abandoning the project. The price of oil is very sensitive to production quantities. A 1% shortage causes far more than 1% price increases, and visa versa. Increasing oil supply by tapping the shale oil could cause serious price drops, making the whole enterprise unprofitable.

    That is why, Corporations who don't want to lose their profits are keeping a close eye on the production of oil. The banking cartel is going hand-in-hand with these people. There is not enough funding for alternatives to the present carbon-based fuel, which is unsustainable.

    Wait for a while, demand would soften, and the price of oil would be within comfort limits for a while...
    you bet ye, it has gone up in price way to fast, and will shortly retract in price, but don't be fooled by that, there is a lot more to come.
    I personally believe it will hit $5.00 a gallon by mid-summer or bit earlier!!!!!!!!
    Yes it will. But it will be awhile. Be thankful we don't have shortages or long lines at the pump. The high prices are better than that.

    Oil Price and Petrol price?

    There seems to be no relation between the oil price and the petrol price we pay in UK.

    For the last few days oil price has fallen from $135 to $122 ,but the UK petrol price we pay has risen to 拢1.18 at some petrol station.

    Why are the supermarkets allowed to charge such a high price when the oil price is falling?

    They make enough money and so does the UK Govt.Oil Price and Petrol price?
    Its only the tax that keeps being added so top respect to all the lorry drivers and fisherman that have protested over the last few days. i actually paid 拢1.38 a litre. if everybody was going to stop buying petrol for one day so would i. if there is a organisation for such event please inform me so i can join forces please.Oil Price and Petrol price?
    Its not a case of the price of oil drops and then the forcourt manager goes out and puts down the price on his sign thing that day.

    Oil takes weeks to go through the system (getting imported and refined and transported to your local petrol station) and thats why the price changes are not instant.

    The petrol stations are not profiteering and only make about 拢2 on 拢20 or fuel.

    The government take a massive amount and they have since the conservatives introduced the fuel tax escalator in the 1990s

    The problem in that people in china want petrol too and there's not enough to go round, so supply/demand puts the price up and it goes to those that are prepared to pay for it,
    Everyone kicked off at the price when it was a 拢1 for a litre and now I am paying 拢1.15-拢1.17 at tescos where i live and the cost of driving is getting a joke... something will have to give at some point but supermarkets and other garages can get away with high prices because everyone needs fuel and they know us the idiots will pay the price big time dont get me started on this issue!!
    It does appear rudiculous but unfortunately oil is purchased in a futures market and the daily price of oil has no real effect upon forecourt prices. However I find it amazing that they can increase prices quickly but reduce them at a snail's pace. The government cares little for our plight for they are rubbing their hands together as the tax rolls in. It is the speculators I hate for inflating oil prices.
    If oil prices dropped 50% Gorden Brown would still keep petrol prices at the same level, by banging more tax on it,

    they know that if the pubic has been prepared to pay 拢1.15p a litre, then they want mind if they tax us even more
    Everything in this country is a rip off very soon it will be a waste of time going to work because we dont get much of it to spend on ourselves,but what do we all do just carry on

    Why is the crude oil price 57.00$ but we have to cough up 1.14$ ?

    There are 55 gals. of oil in a barrel, this works out to roughly $1.00 per barrel for the rough crude. The oil is then refined, some is lost to make plastics, motor oil, etc., then transported, taxed and held until you are ready to pump it, and each stop along the way somebody gets their cut.Why is the crude oil price 57.00$ but we have to cough up 1.14$ ?
    $1.14!!! It's 3 bucks here in Cali. It's a supply and demand issue. There is more demand than the supply can handle. It takes alot to pump the oil out the ground and refine it and get it to the gas stations. By the way, gas stations make very little on gas...maybe a few cents per gallon.Why is the crude oil price 57.00$ but we have to cough up 1.14$ ?
    its 57$ a barrel but the 1.14$ would be per gallon
    Do you understand how insanely complex the process is to change crude oil into usable gasoline. It takes a lot of energy, and lot of manpower and a lot of transportation. These costs are not negligible at all.
    Whoa, where do you live? It's $2.49+ per gallon in Denver (USA).
    because of overhead. transportation. feds and state take the biggest chunk of the money. gas here is. $3.23 per gal.
    Sounds like you are Canadian...Gas at $1.14/liter or $4.80 cdn/US gallon.

    In Canada there are a lot of taxes on the fuel as well price fixing by the oil companies. So if you don't like it, pour some crude oil in your tank and see how far you get.

    The price per barrel for oil has doubled in the last year?

    has the demand doubled in the last year?The price per barrel for oil has doubled in the last year?
    No way!! Somebody is up to tricks...............The price per barrel for oil has doubled in the last year?
    No. And the price has more than doubled. It was at a 108% increase year-over-year when I stopped watching it closely and started moving money around in my portfolios because I don't want to be exposed to this thing when it comes crashing down.

    In 2002, when it became evident that Bush's budgets, our monetary policy and overall debt expansion was going to devalue the dollar, diversifying into commodities was the smart thing to do.

    But now... it's a crazy bubble market no different than the dot com bubble except that there may have been a lot of manipulation going on recently thanks to predictions of analysts from investment banks who just incidentally happened to be holding a lot of futures derrivatives and who were trying to figure out how to survive the sub-prime meltdown.
    Let's face it - the Saudis have us over a ';barrel'; - and their middle-eastern brothers; the following companies import oil from the mid-east: Shell, Chevron/Texaco, Exxon/Mobile, Amoco. Then we have Hugo Chavez and his ever popular Citgo.

    The following companies do not import mid-east oil: BP/Phillips, Hess, ARCO, Maverick, Flying J, Valero, Murphy Oil USA (sold at Wal-Mart, gas is from South Arkansas and fully USA owned and produced).

    Worthy of remembering when filling up the tank.
    Yes, it has only been in the past few months that the world demand for oil has begun to drop. But even that will only slightly lower the cost of oil. Oil will remain high as long as we rely on limited supplies and speculators and investors artifically inflate the price.
    I don't know about demand. I'd suggest you look at nations who are still industrializing, as a starting point.

    Also, you need to factor in the people speculating in the oil market.
    Here is a crazy idea.

    Lets ';dump'; the entire USA oil reserves onto the market.

    Might be able to retire some of the Federal Deficit.
    Yes. China and India are using millions and millions of barrells a day now. They were never industrialized until a few years ago. How nice about this world economy. Right?
    Ask the Democratic Congress who PROMISED to NOT let this happen.....

    ... ANOTHER failure of ';team Pelosi';

    Do you think the oil price will go dowm or up in the next 3 months..??

    they are on the way up and will continue 2 do so.This would be mainly because of the standoff b/w iran and the US.iran has the ability to control the flow and price of oil all over the world.u can be sure that if military action takes place oil prices will skyrocket and we may have 2 walk to officeDo you think the oil price will go dowm or up in the next 3 months..??
    yesDo you think the oil price will go dowm or up in the next 3 months..??
    I think it will go up. The media has all but told us this!

    The reasons are man made and are caused by greed! Look at the profit margins for all oil company's over the last 6 months. Our government will not do anything because they and their friends are the major people making money.
    Oil prices will definatly be on the rise. Oil prices closed just yesterday at a record $72 a barrel. News reports are telling us to expect gas prices to go over $3 a gallon. To all my pals that r not wealthy (yet) C ya on the bus!!
    I think it will go is already $3 a gallon and starting Monday I will be riding metro cost less and i will have time to relax,read the paper and have to worry about traffic sitting still.
    up...oil prices will always go up. they may dip slightly ever now and then...but at the end of the day, up, always up.
  • eyeshadow stick
  • Does it seem like excuses are being made for the oil prices?

    Every single day when oil goes up, all i can hear is excuses, to justify the hike in oil prices.. I wonder what a Exxon Valdez spill would do to todays oil costs? Something that wasn't a big deal at all in the late 80's would drive barrels out of the roof today.. all this seems like excuses with no real materialisitic reality.Does it seem like excuses are being made for the oil prices?
    I just read an article that said hike in oil prices had nothing to do with supply and demand. lol WHAT!? It has to do with weakening american dollar what?! A. supply and demand always are indicators of price. B. The us is not the only country in the world so how does our dollar weaken it that much? It is 2 things really, one is that people that were trying to make money on the housing market and buyin stocks (speculation) are now doing the same in oil. So housing goes down gas goes up. 2nd is greed. WHen sugar taxes occured, prices go up, they know we pay it and when taxes disapear, prices are the same. It is greed. Remember when katrina caused a so called ';shortage'; in oil prices spiked. It has returned immediately because they know we will pay it. Hey someone gets rich (those taht pump the oil) and we suffer. Well we got the numbers and outrage and they are looking for the culprit. Everytime i hear they are looking for it oil drops a little... it means we are squeezing and someone is faultering. I garuantee you the public will want to see these people made example of. I really just want us to lose our oil dependency and start using alternatives so that we can support an american economy with our dollar and not an arab country.Does it seem like excuses are being made for the oil prices?
    Unfortunately, something much simpler, less sinister, and a lot more cruel is going on -- the simple laws of supply and demand, with supply diminished by not just availability, but also by poor planning, short term greed by corrupt lobbying and campaign finance systems, and 25 years of politicians not wanting to tell voters what the voter doesn't want to hear.

    Europeans have been paying this much for decades because their politicians double or triple the price with added tax. At least a fair amount of those taxes go to changing to higher gas mileage requirements and alternative energy.

    Here, Carter's National Renewable Energy Lab loses funding to bus vs rail, big car makers vs small, and the country generally loses in favor of the status quo of anyone with enough money or influence to preserve it for himself.

    The only fix is an educated, demanding, involved polity.

    BTW, exxon/valdez type stuff happens all the time (they still haven't cleaned up Bhopal's Union Carbide plant). Only desperate locals or terrorists who threaten big oil installations cause investment $$ panic. Better if campaign finance and lobbying were less attractive than public service.
    Back in 1979, we had gas riots in my home town, today people are like lambs to the slaughter.

    Levittown was crazy that night

    We as a nation must say no more to big oil and stop buying gas for a week, prices will come down
    The only excuse the need is inflation. All prices go up. I want to hear the excuses for all the whining and crying.

    When did crude oil prices peak?

    I'm having a bit of trouble finding when crude oil prices peaked this year. If anyone can get me the figures along with their sources, it would be nice. Thanks!When did crude oil prices peak?
    $147 on July 11.

    You're welcome!

    :-)When did crude oil prices peak?
    Crude oil prices experienced their peak for the year on July 11, 2008, in which the cost sped up to a staggering $147 a barrel! This was also the all-time high for oil prices, ever.

    Hopefully, we will never experience this kind of financial torture again!

    The price of oil is ruining our lives!?

    Answer all of these the bestr and you will get best answer

    -What are some reasons that the price of oil needs to be lowered?

    -Is the price of food going up because of oil?

    -What are the price differences on corn, rice and flour from last year to this year?

    -How will the price of oil hurt the people who need to commute to work?The price of oil is ruining our lives!?
    Your refusal to pay the market rate is what is ruining your life.

    A short lesson in economics: IT'S NOT YOUR OIL!!!!!

    Don't like the price? Walk!

    Is the price of lobster ruining your life?

    How about the price of diamonds?



    Check the prices that the REST of the world has been paying, then whine.

    Your problem is that you're spoiled with our easy, cheap economy. You got it too GOOD.The price of oil is ruining our lives!?
    everyone blames George Bush! Everyone forgets about the 9-11-01 !!! What would you have done! Just sit there! I think not! The Taliban are very bad people! The worst of the worst! Now the gas company made 14 billion profit in One quarter. In other counties, their paying 10.50 a gallon! The price of food is going up.... 1. The Tsunami. remember that? It tilted the world!! Nova said!! NASA! Ever since the weather has been horrible everywhere! Also we give billions too other counties, There Governments don't allow the monies to get to the people that nee it! Everyone needs to stop blaming our Government: It's the Oil company's. It's the weather. It's greedy people! Also a lot of times Bush will want too pass a bill and congress don't allow it!!
    I believe that all of us are to blame for all this crises. We have put too much faith on the oil companies, goverments, media, banks etc. to make decisions for us, and now, they have made mistakes which are costing us our lives. To solve these problems we need to take back our trust from them. When everything finnally collapses, it will be us who will pay the price, not them. They have bought themselves all the security they need.
    The whole world is a global village.The so called economics is for the betterment of the people living on this planet.The reccession, inflation are all bull ****.

    If all countries join together, we can solve the food problem now and here.Petrol prices can be bought down within no time. Everything is in our hand. What is lacking is WILL POWER.

    It's the oil?

    That caused it?

    Not oneself?

    In running oneself out of town?

    When one has only two hands.

    What about car-pooling and public transport?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?
    Thanks George Bush and the repubs! We need less wars, less war mongering and less fake reasons to invade the world.

    When we attacked Iraq oil was $45/barrel

    Thanks to the instability it is now $115/barrel
    James think about it....if the price of oil is ruining someones life....then they don't really have one, do they?

    There are far more dire things in life..

    Oil price in the philippines? anyone who knows it??

    does anyone know the oil price in the philippines in the year 2005?2006?2007?2008?? or does anyone know any graph of it?? please?? i need it

    and lastly does anyone know the fuel efficiency of common car models???????please!! i need it so badly!Oil price in the philippines? anyone who knows it??
    Oil prices are set by OPEC. So they will be the same in the Philippines as they were everywhere else in the world. You can easily find that on the internet.

    Cars range from about 15-30 miles per gallon. Limiting factors include weight, aerodynamics, and engine/drivetrain efficiency.

    Can Bush persuade OPEC to lower oil prices?

    Bush is in Saudi at the moment lapping up Arabic hospitality. He plans to discuss the high oil price with the Saudi King. Being the head of OPEC, Saudi could in theory lower oil prices. Will they?Can Bush persuade OPEC to lower oil prices?
    do you really think he wants to?

    I don't.Can Bush persuade OPEC to lower oil prices?
    The Saudis influence oil prices based on how much they pump out of the ground. If they pump more out, they'll contribute to a lowering of prices. But don't look for more than a token increase if it happens at all.

    Prices for crude are set on world commodity markets - not by the producers themselves. The only way the producers make a difference in prices is by pumping more or less oil.

    And as for the Western oil companies: they have NOTHING to do with crude oil prices. They pump very little oil themselves (%26gt;90% of oil is pumped by oil companies owned by the countries where the oil is located) and so cannot do anything about crude oil prices. Again, those prices are set by oil traders around the world.

    All this talk about oil companies is just a way to get uninformed people riled up about nonsense.
    Not a cat in hell's chance !!

    OPEC members are killing themselves laughing at the rest of the world.
    Maybe he is trying to redeem himself for all we know. One thing for sure though, his own interests will be his first priority.
    No, he can't make them do anything. When he goes over there, they treat him like he was their *********. They make him hold hands and kiss their leaders. To be honest, I think that Bush enjoys the kissing part.
    I doubt it--but think about this: Bush has been saying the oil prices are the result of market action, so there's nothing that can be done about them.

    So either he can't get prices lowered or he's been lying.
    no its not in the best interest of the region which is what most of this terrorism is about by the way these governments have a limited supply of something the entire world needs so they need to set the price high enough to explore new technologies to bring to the world you know a new source of gross national product since petroleum will run out and the terorist groups believe it or not want the wealth to be distributed to the people and not the few american bought corupt politicians which is not our fault but is just bad foriegn policy but i dont agree with there means but the point is legit
    I think its a token gesture to the American people so he can say he 'tried'

    I wonder if he'll hold any hands over there?
    I doubt it. Bush should be talking to the American oil companies who are earning enormous profits on oil. Is 40 billion dollars for one company reasonable? I am a business man and I appreciate profit but it has to be within the normal framework of what is right for the American people. The US oil companies are fleecing us and are getting with it because Bush allows it. He is pro oil and always has been. The big shots from Saudi Arabia are his bosom buddies.
    If Fast Eddie is correct that the oil companies dont set oil prices - then who does. The oil companies are the buyers - the market, if they dont buy the price drops ... But that's academic.

    The oil companies benefit from higher crude prices as their cut goes up too. Even better, they set the refinery prices which go on before their profit. 200% of $200 is better than 200% of $150.
    Why should he, His family own one of the biggest oil companies in the US. Research it you dipshit
    OPEC may lower prices a bit, but only by increasing supply. Prices are set according to supply and demand. Demand has jumped in China and India which is why the price of oil has risen.
    Maybe but, since oil companies have paid over 3x their profits in taxes over the past 25 years, perhaps, you should be asking if he can convince libs to lower oil taxes and do away with the Windfall Profit Tax - which is what really caused his oil company and dozens of others in Texas into bankruptcy back in the 80's. (Not poor management as the libs would have us believe.)

    Perhaps, you should take a moment to think about how the anti-oil company stance of the left has played a pivotal role in our current situation.鈥?/a>
    im suprised hes in control of his own sphincter muscles !

    Wednesday, July 28, 2010

    If the ';Enron Loophole'; is causing the high price of oil, shouldn't Congress being doing something...

    about this. It's election time, and I would think cancelling this law would lower the price of oil, therefore being a definite plus for getting elected.If the ';Enron Loophole'; is causing the high price of oil, shouldn't Congress being doing something...
    Congress is to busy positioning themselves to their base to get anything accomplished. We should bring them all home. Term limits are looking better all the timeIf the ';Enron Loophole'; is causing the high price of oil, shouldn't Congress being doing something...
    Yes Congress should be doing something but it was them and Clinton that Created the problem in the first place!

    Yes the ';Enron Loop hole'; is the biggest culprit. This allows futures Commodity traders to buy oil still in the ground by putting up a mere 7.5% of the bid price. Do the Math, a 1% increase in the price of oil will net the futures trader a 13.3% Net Profit!!! All other commodity traders must fork up 15% while stock market futures are required to anti up 50%. It was just this sort of thing that caused the stock market crash in 1929 when stock future traders were unregulated and typically ony put up 10%. Think we would have learned from that. I was Clinton who in 2000 signed the legislation to allow this Loop Hole, not Bush who did not come into office until 2001. His Adminstration prosecuted Eron for their mis deeds. Clinton allso signed Legislation in 1999 that remove most oversight of Mortage companies. This is the root cause of the Sub Prime mess in the housing industry and cause of many many forclosures.

    I agree with the guy above on the idea of Term Limits, Long overdue!

    Google it, it is all there to read!

    Proud Vet
  • eyeshadow stick