Is that about the answer you were looking for? Dream on.Hike in oil price , why %26amp; when it will be over...?
The price of oil in affected by the Hubbert's Peak Theory. Specifically, the theory applied to oil is called ';peak oil.';
In other words, the price of oil is on the up side of a U curve. We need to apply carbon taxes on oil in order to enable industry to begin applying the concepts of conservation and efficiency. Sadly, most political and industrial leaders have a very short time horizon and almost no imagination.Hike in oil price , why %26amp; when it will be over...?
Part of the problem is supply, we need to increase our supply domestically. The main problem is the dollar, it has been devalued by the Federal Reserve through inflation. That is what inflation is, too many dollars chasing too few goods.
The Fed has been increasing the M3 (money supply) and now they don't even bother reporting what M3 is. They are for the first time in history bailing out brokerage firms and not just banks. These banks and brokerages should be allowed to go under, we the taxpayer and shopper are the ones to pay for it twice, once in taxes and again in inflation. From 2003 to 2007 M3 increased over 11% it is substantially higher now with all the bailouts. It is probably more like 16 to 18% now. Real inflation is running about 14%, not the .02% the Fed claims.
Oil prices will stabilize when our dollar is worth something, if ever, I believe it will crash and become worthless. Watch OPEC, if they go off the dollar, the dollar will collapse overnight.
I am playing very big on oil trading, from Morgan Stanly, Goldman %26amp; Sachs on the Wall Street .
I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only $145 a barrel. So here is my difficulty:
I already requested my agents spin the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon. ” But it does not work price up as fast as I expected.
I have also demanded my agent playing “China demand high” blaming game.
I am glad to see that Congress is ignoring 19 top trade group’s letter demanding an end to rampant oil speculation
Also I am happy to see that the Media did not report it as I desired.
But how do I corner the oil future price up very fast ? fast enough in time so not to get caught ?
It will be over when the demand for hydrocarbons has been replaced by renewable fuels.
We've seen oil go from $10 (about 10 years ago) to $140 not because of increased demand in China and India, not because of speculation, not because of a lack of offshore drilling, but because the Total Worldwide Proven Reserves divided by the Total Worldwide Annual Production shows us that we clearly have less than 40 years of oil left, assuming that all remaining oil can be extracted (which it can't).
Check the statistics available from the Department of Energy's website, although those numbers are greatly overstated, you will find that the increase in oil prices is simple math, not some complicated formula of demand or supply. Supply as it refers to oil is commonly defined as production, which is actually the amount of oil supplied to refineries, but the true definition of supply as it relates to oil is that amount still in the ground that could be available for sale. Those supply totals are properly referred to as Worldwide Total Proven Reserves.
Until we eliminate the demand for hydrocarbons, not decrease the demand but eliminate it, the surge in oil prices will continue.
why, because of the stock market speculaters ( futures market) and no not the oil companies, the saudi's or anyone else. when???, maybe never. The bible says in the last days you will make only enough money to buy what you need for that day
Oil issue is unlikely to be resolved and one should not be surprised if oil touches even $1000/- per barrel within one year. The world is increasingly getting desensitised to the price of oil. Oil is beyond current politicians and economists.
when the greenback collapses
Supply and demand, it will be over when we create our own supply.
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