Would somebody remind Dave up there that we have a Democratic Congress? I think he's too caught up in the blame game to actually pay attention to what's going on in the country. To answer your question, quite simply, they're screwing us and not even having to buy us dinner first. There should be more oversight into the petroleum industry then there is. It's gotten out of hand and will only get worse until there is more regulation or we reduce our dependance on foreign oil or oil in general by at least 25%.The price of oil (per barrel) has fallen my more than 33%, so why has the price of gasoline only fallen 10%?
I believe it's because the gas we buy today was refined several weeks ago, when oil was still priced higher. Plus, only a relatively small percentage of the cost of gas is based on the cost of crude oil. The rest is refining, transportation, and overhead cost (as well as profit, of course). That's also why when oil goes up in cost, the price of gas doesn't go up by the same percentage.The price of oil (per barrel) has fallen my more than 33%, so why has the price of gasoline only fallen 10%?
The oil companies are building a cash reserve in anticipation of OPEC and the dictatorships that are members slowing production.The OPEC nations manipulate the market by reducing supply to increase price and profits.You cannot blame this on any one president, they did it in the 1970's when Carter was president.Our elections and economy have now become targets for manipulation just as the nation of Georgia. The Russians really care more for the gas pipelines that run through it than the people there.In the international energy market the ability to manipulate the energy supply to Europe gives Russia a lot of clout in how the europeans vote in the united nations. It gets cold and we cut off your heat!!! Unless you see things our way.P.S. Tater has a good point..
A year ago gas was about $3 a gallon and only increased to a little over $4 as oil prices nearly doubled. There are many costs that do not depend on the price of oil in providing gas at your local station. Whether or not we are being ripped off is a lot more complicated than just comparing percentage changes in price, and I don't know the answer.
I don't know, but I am amazed at how fast gas prices go up after the price of oil (per barrel) goes up. It seems that the prices would fall and rise at the same rate. However, when the barrel prices go down, the prices at the pump don't go down nearly as fast as they go up!
thanks to Bush
Republicans look what u have done
Sen. Barack Obama on Tuesday said that Sen. John McCain's claim that he will shake up Washington after agreeing with President Bush for so long is like ';putting lipstick on a pig'; -- a common turn of phrase, one that Obama has used for years and one that even some Republicans have been known to utter.
Gasoline prices fall slowly because its competition between stations that dictates price. So it'll be while before you see more slips in the price the pump.
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