A. We should try to find our own oil wells
B. We should use less cars trucks or SUV
C. We should invest more in finding suitable electric cars
D. We should panelize the oil companies
E. Any other ideas?What do you do think we should do about the high gas and oil prices?
Get rid of the environmentalists and their a$$ kissing politicians who pass laws that require us to purchase foreign oil instead of:
a. Drilling for oil in ANWR
b. Drilling for oil in the Gulf (which Cuba and China are presently doing, regardless of the environmentalists).
c. Drilling for oil off the coasts of California and Florida. The oil drilling technology of today is far advanced from the days when oil spills from drilling/pumping operations were common. All recent oil spills have occurred because of shipping accidents.
d. Drilling for oil in the continental U. S. where there are proven oil reserves, but they are off limits because of environmental ';red tape.';
e. Building more refineries to increase production. Over two thirds of the refineries in the U. S. have ceased operations due to environmental ';red tape.';
f. Build more nuclear reactors, using the technology developed by the U. S. Navy for small, safe reactors with excellent safety records.
g. Build more hydro-electric dams regardless of the whining about the habitat of some grub-eating bird or whatever may be the gripe of the environmentalists. Birds will move if disturbed. They aren't anchored to any one certain tree.
We HAVE the oil we need. Our oil companies are hamstrung by government policies and red tape which force us to purchase oil from foreign sources, putting us at their mercy for prices and control.
As far as developing alternate energy sources, the government could go far by giving tax credits to those companies willing to do the research and making grants available to promising technologies.
Ethanol is a failure. It costs more to produce a gallon of ethanol than it does to produce a gallon of gasoline, and is more damaging to the environment. Using corn and sugar cane for ethanol has driven up the prices of those products for use as food and fodder. Checked the prices of food on the shelves lately?What do you do think we should do about the high gas and oil prices?
Contrary to an above poster, we can't drill ourselves out of this problem. We DO NOT have enough reserves. Even if we could replace all of our foreign oil, it would only be a temporary solution where we would be transferring the problem to our children.
There are a number of factors that impact why we use so much oil.
1) Our vehicles are inefficient
2) Most of us live way too far from where we work and as a result spend way too much time driving.
3) Electricity is the only long term option. Ethanol costs almost as much energy to produce as it provides. Hydrogen (fuel cells) have the same problem in that Hydrogen is energy intensive to produce. That leaves electricity.
If we use electricity we can use our current grid infrastructure, augmenting power with wind, solar, water, nuclear and even coal....etc.
As long as we stop sending billions of dollars to Arab terrorists, i don't care what we do
Mostly (A) because our government has pandered to the environmentalists and it has cost us the ability to produce enough oil. Somewhat (D) because they are making an obscene amount off of the governments inaction. Somewhat (c) because it is the responsible thing to do.
B.We should use less cars trucks or SUV
f. all of the above
Take the billions back that the israelis have extorted from the US,and redistribute it so the people can have lower prices once more! But I also like all but C unless it's electricity made from renewable sources!
the reason that the gas price high isn't up to us. it is up to gov't aka aham ';bush.'; all we r doing is to create a realistic idealist which have yet sucess.
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