Friday, July 30, 2010

Bush looks offshore for remedy to high oil prices?

I can't wait untill this azzh*le goes away. Say goodbye to the gulf. Instead of looking for alternative energy we are going to contiue this nonsense. Am I thinking crazy here? What do you guys think?Bush looks offshore for remedy to high oil prices?
yes, you are crazy.Bush looks offshore for remedy to high oil prices?
He's been extending this ban since the day he took office. Now he wants to change his mind. Where are all the people who love to scream ';flip-flopper'; now? Where are the people who said that Bush's strength is in that he stays the course?

What they don't seem to understand is that there is a finite amount of oil on earth. Once we run out, it doesn't matter where we've been getting it from - we won't be able to drive to work, or take the bus, or take the train, or fly to go on vacation, or, in some cases, have heat in the winter... until we look for renewable energy sources.

Looks like the liberals were right in the '80s, doesn't it?
Alternative Energy?? I'm all for it. Give it to me. Oh, you don't have it yet? Oh, it costs way more then oil does now? Well maybe, just maybe, we should continue with this ';nonsense'; until they do discover alternative energy solutions that work.
Do you like paying $4/ gallon? Why is it the same people screaming bloody murder about the price of gas want to raise taxes on the oil companies AND want to prevent them from providing oil for America?

Our Oil Shale reserves alone TRIPLE that of Saudi Arabia.
I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.

Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?

Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !

Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :

China hikes fuel prices…

China to raise energy prices…

But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.

For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
This is just money and politics.

Before 2006 most of the populace did not support drilling in protected areas like the coasts and Alaska wildlife sanctuaries.

Since 2006 the oil producers in North America collectively decided that the oil drilling was somewhat expensive in existing leases and recognizing that it would be cheaper to drill in the protected areas, cut back drilling in North America. As a result drilling companies moved their inactive rigs to locations like Russia and Africa. So, reduced production rate. The media attention contributed to the artificially increased gasoline prices.

Now in 2008 show that the populace support the drilling in the protected areas.

Some people made money by,

1) increased gasoline prices

2) increased oil rig prices

3) first, shorting stocks of the oil producer companies and drilling companies, then buying the stocks after gasoline increases.

4) oil leases

etc. etc.

Great for insiders of this planning. Now to use the Republican owned media to blame this increased gasoline to the other side.

It's not rocket science.
Offshore drilling, dumbass. Do you even know what that is? Right now China has rights to drill offshore in OUR waters so they are getting US oil while idiots like you protest the US from drilling in our own waters! Were you always ignorant or did your Liberal schooling make you that way?
You azzholes just keep your heads in the sand and pretend that the problem will go away if you do not look at it. If we drill into all of the oil under or near the U.S. in a few years we would have more oil than we could use only if we refine it here and keep it here. but we also need to develop alternates as fast as possible then we can sell the excess on the world market at $300 per barrel and our grain at $500 a bushel
I think that less than 25% of the leases already granted in the Gulf have been developed by the companies to which those leases were granted, so it's misdirection.

The same President opposed reporting of trades on the NYMEX and any move to regulate foreign exchanges in this country. The same President cut CTFC (the people who are supposed to make sure the market isn't being manipulated) budgets by 21% and had that approved by a Republican majority Congress, and he has opposed increasing CFTC budgets (we don't need no steenkin' cops).

He's like a really bad magician.

Look at the loon below me: he's still repeating the myth that China is drilling off Cuba even after it is widely and publicly exposed as being false. I guess even a bad magician can fool some people.
I do not see the problem in drilling for oil here. Alaska is the perfect example of how good drilling for oil in America went. Everyone cried ';OH THE CARIBOU!! THE CARIBOU!!'; The caribou use the Alaskan pipeline as a source of warmth, and the population of the caribou actually increased.

If you are so concerned about the evironment, go out and buy a hybrid car and some energy efficient lightbulbs and you'll feel better about yourself.
Without a shadow of a doubt he is.
So goes the true thinking of an oilman!

If Bush gave a damn about America as a whole, instead of how it can be used to enrich him and his oil/energy/coal buddies, we actually would be in better shape!

Whatever the negatives of Jimmy Carter may have been, the one thing he did was give America the hope of a brighter and cleaner future when he introduced solar panels to the White House!

Reagan came in 1981, took them down, and the corporate takeover and destruction of America began!
I think you are crazy.

We need that offshore oil, the Chinese are slant drilling 50 miles off our coast, why should they get all that oil. If you hate it so much, sell your car and refuse to buy anything from oil. Enjoy your new life in the dark ages.

Alternatives, look at the debacle of ethanol, starving people, worst pollution and such.
I think it is terribly funny that Bush decides he wants to lift the moratorium right after McCain flip flops his position on offshore drilling. The best part- allowing it would not even effect today's rising gas prices, and we won't see a drop of that oil for another 3 years if it goes through. Is that worth hurting the environment? I think not.

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