Monday, July 26, 2010

Why gas so expensive? I thought we went to Iraq for the oil. Now its the price of cocaine, man. I either want?

some WMDs or some cheaper gas. If i dont get it soon, im going over there and kick some *** and ressurrect Saddam and put him back in power. Screw the rape rooms and chemical weapons. I want the oil my ******.

REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why gas so expensive? I thought we went to Iraq for the oil. Now its the price of cocaine, man. I either want?
with global warming the world (a few countries at the top of the world) will have access to loads more fossil fuels as the north pole region melts! This means we don't have to worry about gas! Great!

Just a thought. Oil measured by the dollar has been going up. Now the dollar which is the main currency for oil has been going down. Does that not mean a higher oil price? Does it not balance it out? Will oil companies be declaring (near record profits. I BET SO.Why gas so expensive? I thought we went to Iraq for the oil. Now its the price of cocaine, man. I either want?
you have to give up one or the other man.
If you're an American....

You've got no idea what expensive fuel is.

I'm in the UK, where my local petrol (gas) station is currently selling fuel at 拢1.06 per litre. You get about four litres to a US gallon.

How much is the cost of gas you're complaining about? Because it sure as hell isn't as expensive as mine.

Oh, and for the chopper who said buying cocaine finances the people killing US troops... ignore the prat. Coke comes from South America.... it's heroin that the idiot means. And even that doesn't come from Iraq... it's Afghanistan.
most of the oil there is no longer being pumped.some polluted, some destroyed...........we will never get our money back.

The war has caused uncertainity and driven up the price of oil/gas...........

when we leave, it should come down..If we ever leave..........
What a nasty question, have you any idea how many of the military from both the USA and the UK have died in this totally unnecessary war, plus all the Iraqi civilians?
Haha nice one. Unfortunately we didnt go to Iraq for the oil. You have been listening to some leftist talking points. But it was a funny post!

is typical to Americans.
You use cocaine?

You pay for cocaine?

You are supporting the very people who are murdering our troops!
You make a good point. We should start work right away on Saddam-resurection technology.

Gas is expensive because of speculation in the oil commodities market.

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