Monday, July 26, 2010

What are the 5 Best ways to bring oil prices down worldwide?

1.Reduce demand.

2. Find more oil deposits.

3. Produce more petrol /diesel etc.

4. Increase research into storage battery technology such that it is a viable alternative to conventional engines.

5. Take the oil reserves away from Arab states so that it is traded more fairly and equitably on world markets.What are the 5 Best ways to bring oil prices down worldwide?
The 1st %26amp; so far only person to thumb up the BA before it was BA, was me, Asker did not think you worthy of a TU %26amp; your A deserved better than the 2 * given stingily. I suspect person is part of oil team who really thinks we need to look for drops of Oil in ANWR when 65% of all oil is in Mid East! Report Abuse
What are the 5 Best ways to bring oil prices down worldwide?
Not going to happen short term without nuclear war or a plague that wipes out half of the world (god forbid).

Whenever we start needing oil less because we are using alternative fuels, oil will start coming down. As long as we have 7 billion people vying for a limited and reducing world supply of oil, we will have shortages. Supply and demand will keep prices up for that reason
Hah!, you people are all kidding yourselves. There is nothing we can do that will significantly reduce demand, but IF we could, here would be the headline(s)

Oil prices soar to new record on reduced production from OPriCk nations


Gas prices surge upward on increased stockpiles amid fears of reduced production from OPriCk nations

Moral of the story ';we'll pay, and they know it'; Nothing short of civil war will change anything.
In the short term: I suggest

1-Reduce mileage driven for unnecessary reasons

2-Reduce the transportation distances between the suppliers and the users for sold goods by increasing local production of those goods nearer home--eg food.

3-Give consumers tax credits for more energy-efficient products and services

4-Encourage greater use of mass transit systems!

5-Elect political leaders who aren't afraid of OPEC and their OILCO lackeys who issue veiled threats. I refer to the threats to cut us off by those who won't increase production of oil to lower prices in places were most of it is already found, eg In the ground in existing oil fields in the 11 members of OPEC.

Middle East OPEC members have 65% of the world's proven oil reserves!

Looking for drops in the bucket in ANWR is a waste of time!

By these 5 means and some others not mentioned

( working from home using broadband to communicate with coworkers %26amp; other business relations obviates commutes by car, and even better car- %26amp; van-pooling to commute to work would saves lots of money and would eliminate all the miles driven to%26amp;from work by the drivers-now-pool members who before drove to work alone) , then those of us in the countries dependent on exports from the OPEC oil cartel will not / should not have put up with their blatant price gouging behaviors and phony Supply-Demand explanations which are a smoke screen for their dictatorial predatory practices of selling every bit of oil on a ';cargo by cargo'; basis. Or the dirty tricks they play with supply chain storage (oiltankers on the water) and the adjusting downwards of crude production quotas to create the illusion of possible shortages and inventory drops!

We badly need knowledgeable, ibformed intelligent business %26amp; political leaders who aren't fooled and don't cater to the greedy oil players out there screwing us!

We also need a bona fide freely-traded commodity market and pricing mechanism that doesn't have price and volume manipulators like the OPEC OIL cartel playing with it! Capiche! Lieberman wants to go after 3rd party wealthy speculators and that is a smat move, but we should also go after OPEC with assets in thev US who are violating our Anti-trust laws and our free-maket free-trade principles!

There are no dearth of ideas or means by which our government and enlightened aware consumers can act to take the oil situation control away from those greedy people who are anti-west, anti-christian and pro-terrorism! I am tired of the ';milk the cows'; strategy they all learned at Havard and Yale Business schools. Aren't you?

This crazy situation is hurting the poor the worst and it must be stopped because it is NOT a natural crisis, it is a MAN-MADE economic crisis engineered by Enron-like greedy filthy rich oil people here and abroad!!
I only have one - use less gas.. Find alternate means of transportation and make sure what you do drive is fuel efficient. If we continue to be slaves to our cars, the gas companies will keep raising prices. They are gouging us because they can. No one in the government is stopping them. It's up to us to control how much of our money we are going to give to them.
1. Ride public transit

2. Bicycle

3. Walk and or jog

4. Skate

5. Car pool
A hybrid conversion kit that will turn your existing vehicle into a plug up and charge electric/gas car. I posted the info yesterday and received some ignorant responses. The kits are being marketed now.
Remove all restrictions on drilling, worldwide. Increased supply, works every time.
sell your car,

move closer to your job

use public transportation

use solar power

write your congress man
1. DRILL for oil in our OWN countries!

2. DRILL!!

3. DRILL!!!

4. DRILL !!!!

5. DRILL!!!!!





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