Monday, July 26, 2010

Why does the cost of gas go up so fast but when the price of oil drops, the price of gas doesn't?

It's called profiteering.

The banks do pretty much the same thing. When interest rates rise, the increase is passed on immediately. However, when they drop; it takes months for the effects to filter through.

Woody Guthrie said: ';Some people will rob you with a fountain pen';.Why does the cost of gas go up so fast but when the price of oil drops, the price of gas doesn't?
The hidden answer is that the oil companies, and their stockholders won't give up any profits. When the price goes up, the profits rise, and the dividends rise, too. You can be sure of one thing. The price will NEVER go down again.Why does the cost of gas go up so fast but when the price of oil drops, the price of gas doesn't?
The American motorist has been asking that question since 1973 and has not received a straight answer yet.
because the American dollar hasn't been defeated yet
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