Monday, July 26, 2010

Why do people blame the price of oil on the war when OPEC just said, they can, thats why they charge so much?

OPEC has the power to form a cartel and restrict output to keep prices high.

Although that behavior is illegal for businesses in the United States. OPEC is not subject to United States law.

OPEC is doing what the robber barons in the United States were doing before we made that behavior illegal.

OPEC is merely copying what our robber barons did. That is why the robber barons were so hated in the United States.

Actually because of Global Warming we should not be using any fossil fuels at all.

Any anount of fossil fuel use releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. the carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and causes Global Warming.

If we are to have any hope at all of stopping Global Warming we must reduce the output of carbon dioxide worldwide to less than 10% of what it is today.

That reduction must be worldwide with no exceptions made for developing countries.

The only way that we can achieve a reduction of that size is to ban the use of all fossil fuels entirely.

Fortunately it would be very easy to enforce such a ban. All we would have to do is destroy the oil production infrastructure of the Middle Eastern Countries and sink a few old scrap ships in The Strait of Hormuz. That would stop the export of oil from The Middle East over night.

The result would be a dramatic rise in the price of oil and also dramatic reductions in the use of oil.

This would go a long way toward solving the problem of Global Warming.

This would also have a very nice side benefit in that it would also dramatically reduce the source of funds that are used to support Muslim Terrorists.Why do people blame the price of oil on the war when OPEC just said, they can, thats why they charge so much?
Capitism is great...until other countries do it and we have to pay too much. Our dependency on the oil of OPEC is really beginning to hurt the economies of the world.

Supply and demand, and OPEC controls most of the supply.Why do people blame the price of oil on the war when OPEC just said, they can, thats why they charge so much?
they are in cahoots to gouge the public at $60- per week...lets not be naive here...Bush has oil connections, Rice had a tanker named after her...get real
The war reduced Iraq's oil output. That is why. Every barrel counts now.
It's a matter of media brainwashing, in my opinion. The media wants every American to believe that the war is about oil and that the war effects oil in a great, vast, major way. Sadly, most Americans are easily brainwashed, so they pin the blame of the oil prices on the Bush administration and the war in the Middle East.

OPEC has always been a money-greedy organization.

Also, can you explain to me why oil companies are walking away with billion dollar profits? It has everything to do with unfair pricing while we are kept blind by the media. Sometimes, I wonder if they work together...
Bush asked them to increase their output..they turned him down...saying Bush had handled the US economy poorly. Bush also asked Saudi Arabia (supposedly a friend and ally)...they also turned him down.

Output of Iraq? Hmmm...not sure how much there was

b/c they were on all sorts of sanctions and could only trade oil for food and medical necessities. Remember the Food for Oil fiasco?

Bottom line is Saudi Arabia( and OPEC) have us over a barrel (pun intended)....we need them far more than they need us, they're the ones pulling the strings right now.

Add to that the idea that OPEC has considered switching to the Euro. Imagine what that would do to the US economy? While we have an agreement with Saudi Arabia that they only sell their oil using the dollar but we all know agreements can be renegotiated or broken. Should they have to continue with the dollar when it continues to fall?

Our dependency on foreign oil (and non renewable fossil fuels in general) has put us in this position.

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