To each their own. If you don't like the higher prices of fuel, switch your driving habits, change your car, ride a bike. If you don't care keep on keeping on. There are a number of things one person can do to benefit their own situation. However before any one is going to make a global change it will take a unified effort. Look at the big picture. You ask for more money at work..Why? Because the cost of living is going up. So your boss gives you a raisee. Now he has to rais his rates to cover your increase. Now that his rates went up, his customers must raise their rates to by his product. this goes on and on. Eventually this increase come back to you so you ask for another raise to compensate. What a nasty circle don't you think.What is the best solution to rising oil prices?
Where I live, people drive heavy duty trucks for no reason.
Solution is for everybody to cut down.
I use to burn 2 tanks a week, now its a tank every 3 weeks!
You don't need a solution when there's no problem. Oil is simply a commodity that obeys the laws of supply and demand. A free market place offers goods and services for sale at their true value. I submit that we need to adjust our perceptions of the cost of goods and services to the present marketplace, not the past marketplace you grew accustomed to. We're lucky to have the international availability of goods and services that are produced for sale.
start walking
build more refineries and outlaw all vehicles that get under
there is not one . the higher the oil the higher the gas
If everyone would quit buying gas from stations that sell Exon and Mobil gas. Who are one company (the largest)then this would start a price war. I've been told that if this were to happen not to buy from Exon/Mobil tell gas is at $1.36 .
try to convert your car to biodeisol and limet you time using it
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