Friday, July 23, 2010

Oil price increase (for my analysis paper)?

How are affected by the constant increase of the price of gasoline?

How does it affect your lifestyle, budgeting and the likes?

Thanks! Your answers are extremely important for my analysis paper.. Thanks so much!Oil price increase (for my analysis paper)?
use less, conserve energy, everything will be OK. they r all connected not only gas. luk around, u don't really need all those electrical and gas driven things. and most important, the world's oil reserve is enough to last for more than ten years, even most countries go to war. ask the world leaders, what r they doing??Oil price increase (for my analysis paper)?
At the moment it isn't. But that isn't to say that it is not annoying me. It is stupid the amount we pay for petrol and diesel at the moment and that tax on it is extortion

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